comical, a. See funny.
coming, n. approach, arrival, advent.
coming between. intervention, interposition, interference, contravention.
comity, n. politeness, courtesy, civility, graciousness, urbanity.
command, v. order, direct, enjoin, require, bid.
command, n. order, mandate, injunction, charge, behest, requisition, bidding, direction, dictation, precept; authority, leadership, control.
commanding, a. authoritative, mandatory, imperative, dictatorial, imperious.
commandments, n. pl. The Decalogue. Associated Words: Kyrie elesion.
commence, v. begin.
commend, v. commit, consign, intrust; praise, extol recommend.
commendable, a. praiseworthy, laudable. Antonyms: unpraiseworthy, illaudable.
commendatory, a. laudatory, eulogistic.
comment, v. remark, descant, annotate.
comment, n. remark, observation; annotation, commentary, explanation.
commentator, n. annotator, expositor, scholiast, glossarist, postillator.
commerce, n. traffic, barter, business, trading; intercourse, communication.
commercial, a. mercantile.
commit, v. intrust, consign; perpetrate, do.
common, a. public, general; customary, usual, ordinary, unexceptional, commonplace, inconspicuous, average, mediocre; plebeian, proletarian.
commonalty, n. populace, proletariate, proletariat, varletry, bourgeoisie, ruck, rank and file, the common people.
commonly, adv. ordinarily, generally, customarily.
common man. commoner, proletary, plebeian.
commonplace, a. ordinary, banal, hackneyed, trite, platitudinous, prosaic.
commonplace, n. platitude, banality.
commotion, n. agitation, tumult, disturbance, turmoil, riot, perturbation, flurry, furore.
communion, n. participation, sharing, communication: association, fellowship.
communion, n. eucharist, Lord’s Supper, sacrament: viaticum. Associated Words: elements, host, wafer, chalice, paten, credence, corporal, eucharistic, ciborium, ostension, purificator, impanation, transubstantiation, consubstantiation, concomitance, post-communion, ante-communion, volipresence, ostensorium, monstrance, sursum corda, dominicale, celebrant, communicant, consistentes, intinction.
communism, n. socialism, humanitarianism, Fourierism, Saint Simonianism, phalansterism.
compact, a. close, solid, dense, crowded, impenetrable, serried.
compact, n. covenant, agreement, pact, treaty, contract.
companion, n. associate, comrade, intimate, consort, partner, fellow, mate, chum, compeer, confederate, accomplice, ally, colleague, crony, confrere, concomitant, accessory.
companionable, a. affable, congenial, genial.
companionship, n. association, intimacy, fellowship, society, company.