changeling, n. oaf; waverer, whiffler.
change of life. climacteric; menopause.
channel, n. water-course, canal, aqueduct, gutter, runway, alveus, conduit, duct; strait; furrow, chamfer, chamfret, groove, fluting; avenue, route, artery.
chant, v. intone, intonate, cantillate.
chant, n. intonation; introit; cantillation.
chaos, n. confusion, disorder, disorganization.
chap, n. crack, chink; boy, lad, youth; kibe.
chapel, n. oratory, chantry, bethel.
chapped, a. kibed.
chaps, n. pl. jaws, chops, flews.
chapter, n. branch. Associated Words: capitular, capitulary.
character, n. personality, nature, individuality. Associated Words: ethology, ethologist.
characteristic, n. trait, peculiarity, feature, attribute, attribution, idiosyncrasy.
characterize, v. distinguish.
charge, n. accusation, complaint, allegation, indictment, imputation, crimination, impeachment, arraignment, gravamen (burden of a charge); trust, ward; custody, care, responsibility, oversight, obligation, commission, management; onset, attack, assault, onslaught, fusillade; tutelage.
charge, v. impose, load, encumber; exhort, enjoin, adjure, instruct; commit, intrust; debit; accuse, indict, tax, impute, criminate, arraign; attack, assault.
chargeable, a. imputable, attributable, referrible.
charitable, a. benevolent, benign, beneficent, magnanimous; liberal, tolerant, lenient. Antonyms: uncharitable, illiberal, intolerant.
charity, n. benevolence, good will, love, benignity, philanthropy, beneficence, bounty, liberality, tolerance. Associated Words: eleemosynary, alms, dependent.
charlatan, n. pretender, quack, impostor, fraud, cheat, mountebank, empiric.
charlatanic, a. pretentious, empirical, quackish.
charlatanry, n. quackery, pretension, empiricism, charlatanism.
charm, n. spell, incantation, enchantment, conjuration; periapt, amulet, phylactery, talisman, fetich, abraxas; fascination, glamour, witchery, attraction, illusion, rhetoric; breloque (jewel); countercharm. Antonyms: disenchantment, repellence, disillusionment.
charm, v. enchant, fascinate, enamor, infatuate, enrapture, bewitch, captivate; allay, soothe, subdue. Antonyms: decharm, disillusionize, disenchant, repel.
charmer, n. enchanter, magician, sorcerer; siren, enchantress.
charming, a. bewitching, captivating, enchanting, enrapturing, entrancing, magical, fascinating, winning, ecstatic, siren, delightful, winsome, seductive, ravishing. Antonyms: charmless, unattractive, repellent, repulsive.
charnel house. ossuary, ossuarium, tomb, carnary.
chart, n. map. Associated Words: cartography, cartographer.
chary, a. frugal, careful, saving, cautious, circumspect.
chase, v. track, hunt, pursue; scatter, expel, drive, disperse, dispel.