pillar saint. stylite, pillarist.
pistol case. holster.
prayer-book, n. breviary; missal.
priest, n. presbyter, minister, rector; padre (Sp. Amer. and India); flamen (Rom. Antiq.); hierophant; hierarch; hieromartyr. Associated Words: acolyte, hierarchy, hierocracy, hagiarchy, exeat, hierarchism, hierarchal, hieratic, hagiocracy, unfrock, ordain, ordination, sacerdotalism, pontificate, pontific, pontifical, priesthood, Holy Orders, priestcraft, priest-ridden, soutane, cassock, vestments, canonicals, rectory, incumbent.
provincial words. Associated Word: patavinity.
roundabout, a. circumlocutory, circumlocutional, periphrastic.
self-propelling, a. automatic.
sending, n. transmission.
shorthand writer. stenographer.
short pants. (Colloq.) knickerbockers, knee breeches.
speechifier, n. declaimer, haranguer, orator.
speechify, v. declaim, harangue.
speed gauge. speedometer.
stools, n. pl. dejecta.
strap-shaped, a. ligulate.
trade, n. craft.
vulgar person. vulgarian.
weal, n. prosperity, welfare, happiness.
willy-nilly, adv. willingly or unwillingly.
with a bad grace. reluctantly, perfunctorily, ungraciously.
with a good grace. graciously, willingly, gracefully.
wood-tar oil. creosote.
workmanship, n. craftsmanship.