worm-shaped, a. vermiform, vermicular, wormlike.
worn away. eroded, abraded, attrite.
worry, v. harass, vex, annoy, torment, tease, fret, trouble, pester, badger, harry, importune; be anxious, be solicitous, fret.
worry, a. anxiety, fretting, apprehension, concern, solicitude. Antonym: unconcern.
worrying, a. anxious, distressing, carking.
worship, n. adoration, homage; idolatry, deification, apotheosis. Associated Words: liturgies, liturgy, ritual, cult, fetish, fetishism, totem, totemism.
worship, v. adore, revere; idolize, deify, apotheosize, glorify.
worst, v. defeat, vanquish, conquer, overcome, overthrow, discomfit, rout.
worth, n. worthiness, excellence, virtue, merit, integrity, honor; value.
worthless, a. valueless, good-for-nothing, futile, trashy, unworthy, trumpery, scurvy, contemptible.
worthy, a. meritorious, excellent, estimable, deserving, reputable, exemplary, upright.
would-be, a. self-styled, soi-disant, presumptuous.
wound, n. hurt, injury, scath, lesion, trauma; traumatism. Associated Words: vulnerable, vulnerability, invulnerable, invulnerability, vulnerary, vulnific, sanies, sanious, pledget, spleget, dossil, ichor, probe, antiseptic, inviolable, violable, tent, autoplasty.
wound, v. injure, scath, hurt, maim, disable.
wrangle, n. altercation, dispute, squabble, brawl, bickering, quarrel.
wrangle, v. altercate, dispute, squabble, bicker, quarrel.
wrangler, n. disputant.
wrap, v. infold, swathe, bemuffle, envelop, muffle, swaddle.
wrapper, n. house-dress; negligee, kimono, peignoir; envelope, wrap, covering, capsule; tillot.
wrath, n. See anger.
wreath, n. garland, chaplet, festoon, crown.
wreck, n. desolation, ruin, havoc, devastation, ravage debris, derelict.
wreck, v. demolish, destroy, ruin, shatter, strand, founder, undo, raze.
wrest, v. wrench, wring, extort; distort, pervert, garble, falsify, misconstrue.
wretch, n. outcast, pariah, pilgarlic, vagabond, knave, rogue, scoundrel, caitiff, miscreant, scapegrace, villain, rascal, renegade, reprobate, rake, scullion, poltroon, varlet, ronion, libertine, blackguard, cullion, bezonian.
wretched, a. miserable, unhappy; contemptible, abject, despicable, paltry.
wring, v. writhe, squeeze, pinch; distort, pervert, wrest, exact, extort.
wrinkle, n. corrugation, pucker, crease, furrow, rumple, crinkle, ruck; (Colloq.) notion, fancy, whim, caprice, vagary, freak, whimsey; pl. crow’s feet.
wrinkle, v. rumple, pucker, corrugate, crease, cockle, ruck, crumple.
wrinkled, a. corrugated, rumpled, puckered, cockled, creased, rugous.
wrist, n. carpus. Associated Words: carpal, carpale.
write, v. inscribe, indite; superscribe (write on the top or outside of anything); subscribe.