whipping, n. chastisement, castigation, punishment, scourging, trouncing, flagellation, beating, lashing, fustigation, flogging, mauling; defeat.
whippletree, n. whiffletree, swingletree, singletree.
whirl, v. spin, revolve, twirl, rotate, gyrate, wheel, pirouette.
whirl, n. circumvolution, rotation, gyration, swirl.
whirling, a. spinning, rotating, vertiginous, gyratory.
whirling, n. spinning, rotation, gyration, turbination, pirouette.
whirlpool, n. maelstrom, vortex, eddy; Charybdis.
whirlwind, n. cyclone, typhoon.
whiskers, n. pl. beard; (of a cat) vibrissa.
whiskey, n. spiritus frumenti. Associated words: faints, distill, distiller, distillery, poteen, moonshine, moonshiner.
whisper, n. susurrus, susurration, whispering, sibilation; innuendo, suggestion, intimation.
whistling, n. rhonchus, rale (Med.).
whit, n. particle, atom, iota, jot, tittle, bit, mite, mote, ace, scintilla, scrap.
white, a. blanched, bleached, etiolate, pale; hoary.
white heat. incandescence.
white hot. incandescent.
white lead. ceruse, carbonate of lead.
white livered, a. cowardly, pusillanimous, dastardly.
whiten, v. bleach, blanch, pale, etiolate, decolorize.
whitening, n. bleaching, blanching, etiolation.
white race. Caucasian race.
whites, n. leucorrhea, fluor albus.
Whitsunday, n. Pentecost, Whitsuntide.
whiz, v. hum, buzz, whirr.
whole, a. all, total, entire; intact, complete, inviolate, integral, unbroken, unscathed, unabridged.
whole, n. sum, total, totality, all, aggregate, gross, integral. Antonyms: part, portion, fraction, disintegration.
wholeness, n. entirety, completeness, integrity. Associated Words: integral, integrate, integration, integrant.
wholesome, a. healthy, salubrious, salutary, nutritious, beneficial. Antonyms: See unhealthy.
whoop, n. halloo, hoot, shout, yell.
whooping-cough, n. chin cough, pertussis.
whore, n. harlot, prostitute, strumpet, courtesan, wench, Cyprian, bawd, drab, punk, woman of ill fame, demirep.
whoredom, n. prostitution, fornication, lewdness, harlotry, bawdry.
whorehouse, n. brothel, bawdy-house.
whoremaster, n. lecher, fornicator, whoremonger; pimp, procurer, pander.
whoremonger, n. whoremaster, debauchee, rake, wencher.
whorish, a. lewd, incontinent, licentious, meretricious, libidinous.
wicked, a. sinful, iniquitous, evil, immoral, depraved, vicious, pernicious, abandoned, unrighteous, heinous, flagitious.
wickedness, n. iniquity, depravity, immorality, sinfulness, vice, infamy, atrocity, evil, offense, flagrancy, unrighteousness.
wide, a. broad: extensive, vast; comprehensive.