web, n. texture, tissue.
web-footed, a. palmiped, palmated, fin-toed, lobate.
wedding, n. nuptials, marriage, espousals.
wedge, n. embolus, chock, quoin, scotch.
wedge-shaped, a. cuneiform, sphenoid.
weed, v. uproot, extirpate.
weeding, n. sarculation; extirpation, rooting out.
weeding machine. aberuncator.
week day. Associated Word: ferial.
weekly, a. hebdomadary, hebdomadal.
weep, v. sob, cry.
weeping, n. sobbing, crying.
weevil, n. curculio.
weighable, a. ponderable.
weight, n. heaviness, ponderousness, gravity, ponderosity, poise, heft; encumbrance, pressure, incubus, clog, burden; importance, consequence, moment, significance.
weighty, a. heavy, ponderous, massive, onerous; momentous, important, pregnant, serious.
welcome, n. greeting, salutation.
welfare, n. prosperity, happiness, weal, success, well-being.
well, a. good, desirable, fortunate, expedient, favorable, beneficial, advantageous; healthy, sound, undiseased, hale, hearty.
Welsh, a. Cymric, Cambrian.—n. Cymry.
Welshman, n. Cambrian.
welter, v. wallow, flounder, roll.
west, n. Associated Words: Occident, Hesperian, Hesperus, Hesperides.
western, a. occidental.
west wind. Associated Word: favonian.
wet, a. damp, moist, humid, soaked.
wet, v. moisten, dampen, soak, imbrue, saturate.
wet blanket. check, damper, discouragement.
whalebone, n. baleen.
whale oil. train oil.
wharf, n. pier, quay, dock; jetty.
whatnot, a. etagere, cabinet.
wheat, n. Associated Word: mattamore. See grain.
wheedle, v. cajole, blandish, inveigle.
wheedling, n. cajolery, blandishment, inveiglement.
wheel, n. cycle; truckle, caster, roulette, rowel; gear, cogwheel, miter wheel; pulley, sheave (wheel of a pulley). Associated words: spoke, felly, hub, strake, tire, straddle, cog, sprocket, linchpin, arbor, axle, axletree, sprag, traction, trochilics, trochilic, ratchet, flange, skid, rotiform.
whetstone, n. oilstone. Associated Word: coticular.
whey cure. serumtherapy, serotherapy.
whim, n. vagary, caprice, fancy, crotchet, freak, humor, maggot, notion, quirk.
whimsey, n. whim.
whimsical, a. capricious, vagarious, notional, crotchety, fantastic.
whine, n. whimper, puling, complaint.—v. whimper, pule, complain.
whiningly, a. plaintively, querulously.
whinny, n. and v. neigh.
whip, v. lash, beat, thrash, flog, drub, punish, chastise, trounce, flagellate, castigate, scourge, switch, spank, maul, fustigate; (Slang) conquer, defeat; jerk, snatch, whisk.
whip, n. horsewhip, crop, scourge, lash, switch, rattan, thong, knout, cat-o-nine-tails, quirt (rawhide); koorbash (Africa).