warp, v. twist, bend, bulge; pervert, distort, bias.
warped, a. twisted, bent, bulging, protuberant, distorted.
warp thread. stamen.
warrant, v. guarantee, assure, insure; justify, defend; affirm, attest, vouch.
warrant, n. commission, authority; guaranty, surety; voucher, attestation.
warrantable, a. justifiable, defensible.
warranty, n. guaranty, guarantee, security, warrant.
wart, n. excrescence, ecphyma, verruca; condyloma (venereal wart). Associated Word: catheretic.
warty, a. excrescent, verrucose, verruciform.
wary, a. guarded, cautious, circumspect, careful, vigilant.
wash, v. lave, bathe, absterge, foment, rinse; launder.
wash, n. lotion.
washbowl, n. lavatory, washbasin, laver.
washerwoman, n. laundress.
washhouse, n. laundry.
washing, n. ablution, bath, bathing, lavement; abstersion, detersion, fomentation; laundering, laundry.
washing away. detergent, abluent.
washing soda. sodium carbonate.
washstand, n. commode.
wasp, n. Associated Words: vespid, vespiform, vespine, vespoid.
waspish, a. irascible, irritable, snappish, touchy, petulant.
wasp nest. vespiary.
waste, v. squander, misspend, fritter away, dissipate, dawdle; desolate, devastate, despoil, sack, pillage, ravage, strip; decline, decay, pine, wither, dwindle, molder.
waste, a. refuse, rejected, unused, unproductive, untilled, inarable, worthless; desolate, devastated, stripped, ravaged, pillaged; superfluous, exuberant, unnecessary; excrementitious.
waste, n. wasting, squandering, dissipation, decrement, prodigality; wilderness, wild, desert; remnants, offal, recrement, garbage, refuse, rubbish; desolation, devastation rapine, ravage, havoc, destruction, sacking, pillage, despoliation.
wasteful, a. extravagant, prodigal, unthrifty, improvident infrugal, lavish, thriftless.
waster, n. spendthrift, prodigal, squanderer.
wasting, n. squandering, dissipation, prodigality, improvidence; emaciation, decline.
watch, n. vigil, outlook, attention; watcher, patrol, watchman, sentry, perdue, picket, guard, sentinel, vedette, guardsman, Argus.
watch, n. horologe.
watch, v. keep vigil, be on the lookout, keep guard.
watchful, a. vigilant, heedful, attentive, alert, circumspect wary, Argus-eyed.
watchfulness, n. vigilance, circumspection, wariness, heedfulness.
watching, n. vigil, vigilance; espionage, surveillance.
watchmaker, n. horologer, horologist.
watchmaking, n. horology, horography.
watchman, n. sentinel, guard, Argus, Cerberus. See watch.
watch-pocket, n. fob.
watch-tower, n. observatory.
watchword, n. countersign, password, shibboleth, parole.