blood of the gods. ichor.
blood poisoning. toxaemia, septicaemia.
bloodshed, n. carnage, massacre, slaughter, bloodshedding.
bloodsucker, n. leech, sanguisuge; (Slang) extortioner; vampire.
bloodthirsty, a. sanguinary, truculent, ferocious, cruel.
blood vessel. artery; vein; capillary. Associated Words: angiology, angiography, angiotomy, intrafusion, embolism, embolus, thrombosis, thrombolism, rete, hillus, endothelium, epithelium.
bloody, a. gory, sanguinary, exsanguined, blood-stained.
bloom, n. blossom, blow; prime, vigor, heyday, flush; fuzz, down.
blossom, n. flower, florescence, inflorescence, efflorescence, bloom, blow, anthesis.—v. bloom, blow.
blot, n. stain, blemish, smutch, smooch, reproach; erasure, obliteration.
blot, v. stain, spot, blur, blemish, sully, disgrace, tarnish, dishonor; efface, erase, delete, obliterate, expunge; obscure, eclipse.
blotch, n. eruption, blain, bulla, pustule, bleb; splotch, smutch, blot.
blow, n. blossom, bloom; whack, knock, thwack, rap, thump, assault, stroke; buffet, calamity, disaster, reverse, misfortune.
blow, v. blossom, bloom; pant, puff, gasp; spout; inflate, puff up, distend; explode, shatter; (Colloq.) boast, brag, bluster, vaunt, gasconade; rant, scold, censure.
blower, n. (Slang) braggart, boaster, vaunter.
blowhole, n. spiracle.
blow out. extinguish.
blow-out, n. (Colloq.) jollification, celebration, feast, merry-making.
blowpipe analysis. Associated Word: pyritology.
blue, a. azure, cerulean, cerulific, sapphire, sapphirine, amethystine, turquoise, ultramarine, sky-colored; livid, ecchymosed; rigorous, severe; (Colloq.) melancholy, downhearted, depressed, despondent, dejected, low-spirited, dispirited, hypochondriac, chapfallen, gloomy, (Colloq.) gloomy, inauspicious, dismal, depressing; (Colloq.) pedantic, literary.
blue, n. azure, amethystine, sapphirine, cerulean; cyanin, anthokyan, anthocyanin.
blue jaundice. cyanopathy, cyanosis.
blues, n. pl. (Colloq.) despondency, melancholy, dismals, vapors, depression, blue devils, hypochondria, dumps, megrims.
bluff, a. abrupt, unceremonious, brusque; gruff, surly; precipitous, steep, abrupt.
bluff, v. (Colloq.) frighten, deter, intimidate.
blunder, n. bull, error, mistake, impropriety, slip, solecism, faux pas.
blundering, a. bungling, awkward, stupid, floundering.
blunt, a. dull, obtuse; abrupt, brusque, unceremonious, uncivil, ungracious, discourteous; stupid, stolid.
blunt, v. dull, deaden, stupefy; assuage, alleviate, mitigate.
blur, v. dim, bedim, obscure; sully, blemish; mackle, macule.
blur, n. blot, indistinctness; mackle, macule.
blurred, a. indistinct, obscure, dim, bedimmed, sullied.