bitter, a. acrid, acerb; poignant, intense; calamitous, distressing, virulent, acrimonious; implacable.
bitterness, n. acridity, acerbity; gall, wormwood; poignancy, intensity, severity; rancor, malice, malignity, implacableness.
bizarre, a. fantastic, whimsical, grotesque.
blab, n. babbler, blabber, telltale.—v. tell, tattle.
black, a. sable, ebon, inky, Stygian, Cimmerian, lowering, murky; Ethiopian, Papuan, negro.
black, n. stain, smooch; Ethiopian, Papuan, negro.
black and blue. livid, ecchymosed.
black and blue spot. ecchymosis, suggillation.
black art. necromancy, conjuration, magic, sorcery.
blacken, v. darken, denigrate; begrime, besmirch, tarnish, discolor; defame, malign.
blackguard, n. scoundrel, rascal, villain, ruffian.
blackguard, a. vicious, scurrilous, opprobrious, foul.
blackguardism, n. ruffianism, scoundrelism, rascality; scurrility, billingsgate.
blackhearted, a. villainous, abandoned, reprobate, diabolical, base, depraved.
black lead. graphite, plumbago.
blackleg, n. (Colloq.) gambler, gamester (disreputable).
blackness, n. black, nigritude; atrocity, heinousness, depravity.
Black Sea. Euxine.
blacksmith, n. ironsmith, farrier, horseshoer. Associated Words: Hephestian, anvil.
blacksmith’s shop. smithy, smithery, farriery, stithy, forge.
black vomit. melenemesis.
bladder, n. Associated Words: cystitis, cystic, cystocele, cystose, cystolith, cystotomy, lithotomy, lithotomist, endoscope, endoscopy, prostate, catheter, litholysis, utricular, lithotrity, lithotome, utriculate.
blade, n. leaf (of a plant), spire (of grass); buck, gallant, dandy.
blamable, a. culpable, censurable, reprehensible, blameworthy.
blame, v. censure, reproach.
blame, n. censure, reproach, reprehension, condemnation, stricture, animadversion, reproof; culpability, reprehensibility, demerit, wrongdoing, fault.
blameless, a. guiltless, irreprehensible, inculpable, unimpeachable, faultless, irreproachable.
blameworthy, a. censurable, blamable.
bland, a. suave, mollifying, affable, complaisant; soothing, emollient, demulsive, assuasive.
blandish, v. flatter, cajole, caress.
blandishment, n. cajolery, wheedling, caresses, blandiloquence.
blank, a. void, empty, unfilled; expressionless, vacant: confounded, nonplused, astounded; unmitigated, absolute, downright.
blarney, n. (Colloq.) blandiloquence, palaver, blandishment, cajolery, flattery.
blamey, v. flatter, cajole, palaver, wheedle, blandish.
blase, a. surfeited (with pleasure), sated, palled.
blasphemy, n. sacrilege, calumny, profanity.
blast, n. squall, gust; peal, blare, clang; explosion, discharge.