tackle, n. gear, implements, equipment, rigging, apparatus.
tacky, a. sticky, adhesive; (Colloq.) dowdy, shabby, unkempt, seedy.
tadpole, n. polliwog.
taffy, n. toffy, candy; (Slang) flattery, blandishment, blarney.
tail, n. Associated Words: caudal, dock, scut, prehensile, caudate, bicaudal, rump, uropygium.
tailless, a. acaudate, anurous.
tailor, n. Associated Word: sartorial.
tailpiece, n. appendage.
taint, v. imbue, impregnate, corrupt, infect, vitiate, sully, besmirch, discolor, contaminate.
taint, n. infection, contamination, vitiation, defilement, pollution.
tainted, a. infected, contaminated, defiled, imbued, vitiated, polluted.
take, v. seize, grasp, clutch, procure, clasp, catch; confiscate, appropriate, usurp, arrogate; deprehend, apprehend; require, need; select, choose.
take back. recant, retract, recall, revoke, rescind, disavow, resume.
take in. comprise, encompass, comprehend, include, embrace.
take-in, n. (Colloq.) imposition, fraud, deception, swindle, cheat, hoax.
taken, p.p. charmed, captivated, enamored, fascinated.
take off. doff, remove, divest one’s self of.
take-off, n. caricature, burlesque, travesty, parody.
take the place of. supplant, supersede, displace, substitute.
take upon one’s self. assume, undertake; arrogate, usurp.
taking, a. alluring, fascinating, winning, charming, captivating.
taking, n. seizure, apprehension; reprisal; prehension.
taking back. recantation, retraction, resumption, disavowal, revocation.
tale, n. story, romance, parable, apologue, legend, fable, narrative, myth, jeremiad (tale of sorrow).
tale-bearer, n. scandal-monger, busybody, quidnunc, tattler, telltale, tabby, gossip.
talent, n. endowment, faculty, gift, forte, knack, genius.
talented, a. gifted, endowed, clever.
talk, v. speak, converse, confer, confabulate, consult; babble, prattle, prate, chatter, gabble, gibber, blather; expatiate, descant, comment, harp, rant; palaver.
talk, n. conversation, converse, colloquy, conference, confabulation, chat, parley, causerie, parlance, confab; dialogue, interlocution; soliloquy, monologue; palaver, buncombe, blarney, blandishment, flattery, flummery; chaff, banter, raillery, persiflage, badinage, asteistn; chatter, babble, chit chat, gibberish, jargon, twaddle, fustian, moonshine, hanky-panky, jabbering, rhapsody, rant, grandiloquence; expatiation, descant.
talkative, a. garrulous, loquacious, communicative, voluble, unreserved. Antonyms: reserved, reticent, uncommunicative, silent, still.
talkativeness, n. garrulity, loquacity, communicativeness multiloquence. Antonyms: reserve, reticence, taciturnity.
talker, n. conversationalist; interlocutor; chatterer, babler, magpie, chatterbox.