swine, n. pl. hogs. Associated Word: porcine.
swing, v. oscillate, vibrate; sway, brandish, flourish, wave.
swing, n. swinging; free course, liberty, unrestraint, sweep.
swinging, n. oscillation, vibration.
swinging, a. oscillatory, oscillating, vibratory.
swipe, v. strike; (Slang) steal, pluck, snatch, purloin.
Swiss, n. Switzer, Helvetian.—a. Helvetic.
Swiss Federal Council. Bundesrath.
switch, v. whip, flog; shunt, shift.
swollen, a. tumid, tumefied, bloated, purled up.
sword, n. rapier, saber, scimiter, brand, curtana, claymore, smallsword, glaive, broadsword, cutlass, Damascus blade, spadroon, creese. Associated Words: scabbard, sheathe, unsheathe, forte, hilt, sheath, foible, foil, fence, fencer, gladiatorial, gladiatorism, gladiature.
swordfight, n. fencing, swordplay.
sword of mercy. curtana.
sword player, n. fencer; gladiator.
sword-shaped, a. ensiform.
sycophancy, n. obsequiousness, fawning, truckling, servility, sycophantism.
sycophant, n. fawner, toady, flunky, lickspittle.
sycophantic, a. obsequious, fawning, adulatory, servile.
syllabus, n. compendium, abstract, synopsis.
symbolic, a. typical, emblematical.
symbolize, v. typify, emblematize.
symmetry, n. proportion, shapeliness. Antonyms: asymmetry, disproportion.
sympathetic, a. compassionate, commiserating, pitiful, kind, tender.
sympathize, v. have sympathy, commiserate, condole with; agree, be in accord.
sympathy, n. fellow-feeling, tenderness; pity, commiseration, compassion, condolence; accord, agreement, rapport, concord. Antonyms: antipathy, incompassion, inclemency, disagreement, incompatibility.
symptom, n. indication, mark, sign, evidence, diagnostic. Associated words: symptomatic, rymptomatology, semeiology, semeiotic, semeiography, pathognomonic, diagnosticate, diagnosis.
synopsis, n. syllabus, compendium, abstract, summary, epitome, digest.
system, n. method, order. Antonyms: chaos, confusion, disorder.
systematic, a. methodical, orderly. Antonyms: unsystematic, chaotic, immethodical.
systematize, v. methodize, classify.
Tab, n. (Colloq.) account, reckoning, check, tally, score.
table, n. tablet; schedule, synopsis, index, list; trivet (three-legged table). Associated word: mensal.
table, v. tabulate, tabularize.
tableland, n. plateau, mesa (Southwestern U.S.).
table linen. napery.
tablet, n. lozenge, troche, trochiscus.
taboo, n. interdiction, prohibition, proscription.
taboo, v. interdict, prohibit, proscribe.
taboo, a. prohibited, forbidden, interdicted, proscribed.