sand, n. sandy soil; quicksand, syrtis; arena (Med.). Associated words: dune, downs, arenicolous, burst, sabulosity (sandiness), psammophilous, ammophilous, medano, eschar, os, kame, arenarious.
sand, n. (Slang) grit, pluck, nerve, courage, fearlessness, audacity, spirit.
sand bath. arenation, psammotherapy, inhumation, saburration.
sandglass, n. hourglass.
Sandwich islands. Associated Word: Kanacka (native).
sandy, a. sabulous, gritty, arenaceous, arenose.
sane, a. underanged, rational, sound, lucid, compos mentis.
sanguinary, a. bloody, murderous; cruel, truculent, bloodthirsty.
sanitarium, n. sanatorium, health retreat.
sanity, n. saneness, rationality.
sap, v. mine, undermine, subvert; exhaust, drain, unsettle.
saphead, n. (Slang) simpleton, sap, dolt.
sappy, a. juicy, lush, succulent; (Low) silly, foolish, half-witted.
sapwood, n. alburnum.
sarcastic, a. satirical, taunting, ironical, derisive, sneering.
sash, n. girdle.
Satan, n. devil, Belial, Apollyon, Abaddon, Asmodeus,
Prince of
Darkness, Archfiend, the Evil One, the Tempter, the
Arch Enemy.
satchel, n. handbag, valise.
satiate, v. surfeit, pall, glut, overfeed, cloy, gorge.
satiety, n. satiation, surfeit, cloyment, over-fullness.
satire, n. irony, sarcasm, ridicule, lampoon, pasquinade.
satirical, a. bitter, sarcastic, ironical, caustic, mordacious.
satirize, v. lampoon, ridicule, lash.
satisfaction, n. gratification; contentment, complacency, content, comfort; reparation, indemnification, requital, reimbursement, recompense; atonement, amends. Antonyms: dissatisfaction, discontent.
satisfactory, a. sufficient, satisfying, conclusive, gratify, ing, atoning.
satisfy, v. gratify, content, appease, satiate, suffice; indemnify, repay.
sauce, n. (Low) sauciness, impertinence, insolence, rudeness
saucy, a. impertinent, insolent, pert, impudent, malapert, flippant.
saunter, v. loiter, linger, straggle, lounge, stroll, delay, dawdle, lag.
savable, a. salvable.
savage, a. uncivilized, barbarous; ferocious, ravenous, fierce, untamed; brutal, fell, truculent, implacable, atrocious, ferocious, inhuman.
savage, n. barbarian; cannibal.
savages, n. pl. Associated Words: agriology, agriologist.
save, v. rescue, deliver, redeem; preserve, conserve, keep; reserve, hoard, garner; economize, husband; spare, obviate, prevent, forefend, shield, protect.
save, prep. or conj. except, excepting, reserving.
saving, a. preserving, redemptory, redeeming; preservative, conservative; frugal, thrifty, economical, provident, sparing, choice, chary. Antonyms: lavish, extravagant, prodigal, unthrifty, profuse, wasteful.