respective, a. relative; particular, own.
respect of persons. partiality, favoritism.
respects, n. pl. compliments, regards, devoirs.
response, n. reply, answer, rejoinder, retort, repartee, antiphon, antiphone, antiphony.
responsibility, n. accountability, liability; duty, trust.
responsible, a. accountable, answerable, amenable. Antonyms: irresponsible, unaccountable, independent.
responsive, a. responding, antiphonal.
responsory, n. antiphone, antiphony, antiphonary.
rest, n. quiet, quietness, inactivity, repose, ease, tranquillity, quiescence, stillness, stagnation, security, cessation, abeyance, intermission, respite, reprieve, pause, recess, sabbatism; caesura, pause; support, stay, brace; residue, remainder, balance, residuum, others; surplus. Antonyms: activity, agitation, unrest, commotion.
rest, v. stop, halt, pause, desist; repose, recline, lie; trust, rely, depend, acquiesce.
restaurant, n. cafe, eating-house, chophouse, refectory, buffet.
restaurant keeper. restaurateur.
rest house. caravansary (in Eastern countries).
resting, a. reclining, lying, incumbent.
resting on something else. superincumbent.—n. superincumbence.
restitution, n. repayment, restoration, return, indemnification; reparation, requital, compensation.
restive, a. restless, impatient, fidgety, intractable, uneasy, fractious, rebellious.
restless, a. restive, fidgety, agitated, unquiet, uneasy, kicksy-wicksy.
restlessness, n. restiveness, the fidgets, uneasiness, agitation, turbulence, dysphoria.
restoration, n. return, restitution, replacement, reinstatement, reparation; repatriation; renewal, renovation, redintegration, reconstruction, rehabilitation, instauration; recuperation, recovery.
restore, v. repair, renew, reconstruct, rehabilitate, redintegrate, remodel; replace, refund, return; repatriate; resuscitate, reestablish, revive.
restrain, v. repress, suppress, check, bridle, curb, constrain; abridge, circumscribe, limit, restrict, narrow; withhold, forbear; debar, prevent, interdict, prohibit.
restraint, n. repression, constraint, check, suppression; limitation, prevention; confinement, duress.
restrict, v. restrain, limit, confine, repress, curb, circumscribe.
restriction, n. restraint, constraint, confinement, repression, circumscription, limitation.
result, v. terminate, end, eventuate, redound, issue, accrue, ensue.
result, n. consequence, effect, issue, event, outcome, eventuation, sequence; decision, resolve.
resume, n. recapitulation, summary, abstract.
resurrect, v. (Slang) disentomb, disinter, unbury, exhume.
resurrection, n. resurgence, revivification.
retain, v. keep, hold, reserve.