placard, n. broadside, poster, bill, affiche.
place, a. position, site, situation, locality; rendezvous, tryst; duty, function, post, work, office; stead, lieu.
place, v. deposit, locate, dispose, put, set, station, establish, attribute, impute, ascribe, assign; identify.
place between. interpose.
plague, n. pestilence.
plague, v. hector, tantalize, tease, badger, pester, twit, nag, torment, harass, harry.
plaguy, a. (Colloq.) troublesome, vexatious, annoying.
plaid, a. checkered, crossbarred.
plaid cloth of Scotland. tartan.
plain, n. prairie, field, savanna, pampas, steppe, llano, champaign, campagna, heath, moor, camass, downs, tundra, veldt, peneplain.
plain, a. evident, manifest, explicit, obvious, unmistakable, distinct, apparent, palpable, patent; unembellished, simple, austere, severe, ungarnished, unadorned, untrimmed; homely, uncomely; flat, level, even, smooth, plane; unaffected, simple, artless, outspoken, undesigning, ingenuous, unreserved, direct; frugal, homely; unvaried, unfigured; mere, absolute, unmistakable. Antonyms: ambiguous, equivocal, indistinct, indecipherable, elaborate, luxurious, cryptic, abstruse, ornate, enigmatic, vague, inexplicable, obscure, complex, intricate, embellished.
plain, adv. plainly, distinctly, bluntly, candidly, explicitly.
plain-dealing, n. honesty.
plain song. Gregorian chant, canto fermo.
plain-spoken, a. frank, candid, unreserved, outspoken.
plaint, n. complaint, lamentation.
plaintiff, n. complainant.
plaintive, a. piteous, melancholy, sad, sorrowful, doleful.
plait, n. braid, plat, gather, ruffle, gauffering, plication, fluting, kilting.
plait, v. braid, plat, flute.
plaited, a. pleated, kilted.
plan, n. diagram, draught.
plan, v. scheme, project, intend, devise, contrive, design, purpose.
planetarium, n. orrery.
plant, n. vegetable, herb; pl. flora (plants of a region).
plant, v. sow; settle, establish.
plant-eaters, n. pl. Herbivora.
plant-eating, a. herbivorous, phytivorous, plantivorous, phytophagous.
plant-eating, n. phytophagy.
plant green. chlorophyll, fecula.
plant louse. aphis, aphid, aphidian; pl. aphides, aphidae.
plastic, a. formative, creative; impressible, fictile.
plat, v. braid, plait.
plateau, n. table-land, mesa.
platform, n. rostrum, stage, dais.
platitude, n. banality.
platitudinous, a. banal, trite, commonplace.
platter, n. trencher.
plaudit, n. applause, acclaim, acclamation.
plausibility, n. speciousness.
plausible, a. specious; glib, fluent, oily, smooth-tongued. Antonym: implausible.