outbreak, n. eruption, outburst, uprising.
outburst, n. eruption, outbreak, paroxysm, access, ebullition.
outcast, n. pariah, castaway, reprobate, Ishmaelite.
outcome, n. consequence, outgrowth, result, issue, upshot, eventuation.
outdo, v. excel, surpass, outvie, outstrip, exceed.
outer, a. external, exterior.
outermost, a. extreme, uttermost, utmost.
outfit, n. equipment.
outflow, n. effusion, outpouring.
outgeneral, v. outmaneuver, circumvent.
outgrowth, n. excrescence; outcome.
outlandish, a. grotesque, bizarre, barbarous, unconventional, freakish.
outlast, v. outwear, survive.
outlaw, n. bandit, desperado.—v. proscribe.
outlawry, n. proscription.
outlay, n. expenditure, disbursement.
outlet, n. egress, vent, exit.
outline, n. contour, circumference, periphery, profile; sketch, draught, scenario.
outlive, v. survive.
outlook, n. prospect, view, vista; watch-tower; foresight.
outlying, a. remote, detached, distant, frontier.
out of joint. unhinged, dislocated.
out of order. disordered, disarranged, jumbled, chaotic, disorganized.
out of place. misplaced; improper, unbecoming.
out of reach. inaccessible, unattainable.
outrage, n. indignity, affront, insult, assault.
outrageous, a. atrocious, nefarious, wanton, flagrant, unwarrantable, furious, monstrous, villainous.
outright, adv. unconditionally, utterly.
outside, n. exterior.
outside, a. external.
outskirt, n. edge, border, purlieu, suburb, frontier.
outspoken, a. unreserved, frank, explicit, blunt, ingenuous.
outward, a. external, exterior, outer, superficial, surface, extrinsic.
outweigh, v. overweigh, overbalance, preponderate.
outweighing, n. preponderance, preponderation.—a. preponderant.
outwit, v. circumvent, outgeneral, defeat.
oval, a. elliptical.
oven mop. scovel.
over, adv. across, crosswise, athwart, transversely.
overawe, v. intimidate, daunt.
overbearing, a. haughty, arrogant, dictatorial, magisterial, lordly, dogmatical, supercilious, imperious, cavalier, overweening.
overcharge, n. extortion.
overcoat, n. great coat, topcoat, ulster, raglan, inverness, surtout, paletot.
overcome, v. surmount, conquer, subdue, master, vanquish, overpower, subjugate.
overcoming, a. conquering, overmastering, overwhelming, irresistible.
over-confident, a. rash, presumptuous, incautious.
overdo, v. overwork, overtask, overtax, exhaust; exaggerate.
overeat, v. gorge, glut, satiate.
overfeed, v. surfeit, stuff, satiate, gorge, pamper.