obvious, a. plain, evident, palpable, manifest, patent, self-evident.
occult, a. mystic, mystical, abstruse, recondite, secret, unrevealed.
occupant, n. occupier, tenant, holder, incumbent, possessor, lessee.
occupation, n. occupancy, tenure, incumbency; vocation, employment. See business.
occupational, a. vocational.
occupy, v. hold, keep, possess, fill; engage, absorb, employ, busy, monopolize.
ocean, n. main, deep. Associated Words: oceanic, interoceanic, doldrums, oceanography, oceanology, terrigenous, Oceanus, transoceanic.
odd, a. unmatched, single, uneven; singular, peculiar, unusual, unique, strange, quaint, extraordinary, queer, eccentric, whimsical, freakish, baroque, fantastic, nondescript, abnormal, bizarre, erratic, unconventional, curious, capricious; extra, remaining, additional, redundant, casual, supernumerary.
oddity, n. oddness, singularity; curiosity, nondescript, marvel, wonder.
odds, sing, and pl. advantage, preponderance, inequality, disparity; probability.
odds and ends. remnants, fragments, orts, culls, scraps.
odious, a. detestable, abominable, execrable, offensive, repulsive, hateful, loathsome.
odium, n. detestation, unpopularity, hatred, contempt, dislike, opprobrium.
odor, n. smell, aroma, fragrance, scent, redolence, perfume, savor; stink, stench, fetor. Associated Words: deodorize, deodorization, deodorant, deodorizer, antibromic, disinfectant, disinfect, disinfection, exhale, exhalation, effluvium, emanation.
odorless, a. inodorous, savorless, scentless.
odorous, a. odoriferous, fragrant, savory, aromatic, balmy, scented.
offal, n. refuse, waste, rubbish, garbage.
offend, v. displease, affront, provoke, mortify, exasperate, incense, wound, shock.
offender, n. delinquent, wrong-doer, trespasser, malefactor, culprit, criminal.
offense, n. crime, wrong, sin, outrage, indignity; displeasure, resentment, dudgeon, umbrage; misdemeanor, transgression, delinquency, trespass.
offensive, a. obnoxious, displeasing, noisome, distasteful, insolent, abusive, aggressive, assailant, fetid, disagreeable, opprobrious, scurrilous, fulsome.
offer, v. tender, proffer, propose, propound, volunteer, bid; immolate, sacrifice.
offer, n. tender, proposition, bid, overture, proffer.
offering, n. overture, proposition, bid; sacrifice, oblation; offertory; corban.
offhand, a. extemporaneous, impromptu, improvised, unstudied.
office, n. duty, function, service, work, charge, trust, business.
office-holder, n. officer, official, functionary, placeman.
officer, n. office-holder, magistrate, dignitary, incumbent.
officially, adv. ex-officio.
officious, a. meddlesome, intrusive, obtrusive, pragmatical, impertinent.