Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

notched, a. serrated, crenated, incised, emarginated.

notching, n. notch, indentation, serration, crenation.

note, n. billet; memorandum, minute, record; remark, comment, annotation, commentary, scholium, gloss; mark, token, sign, feature, peculiarity; observation, notice; distinction, repute, celebrity, reputation, fame, renown.

note, v.  See notice; record, jot down; annotate, comment, postillate.

note-book, n. memorandum-book, commonplace book, adversaria, journal, diary.

noted, a. celebrated, renowned, eminent, distinguished, famous.

notes, n. pl. marginalia (marginal notes), adversaria.

noteworthy, a. memorable, remarkable.

nothing, n. non-existence, nonentity; bagatelle; naught, cipher, zero, null, nullity.

nothingness, n. nihility, non-existence, nullity.

notice, n. observation, cognizance, note, heed, attention, regard; announcement, citation, warning, notification; bulletin; recognition, civility, courtesy.  Antonyms:  disregard, connivance, inattention, heedlessness, ignoring, oversight, slight.

notice, v. see, observe, note, heed, recognize, perceive, mark, take cognizance of, pay attention to.  Antonyms:  ignore, connive, skip, neglect, slight, overlook, disregard.

noticeable, a. observable, appreciable, conspicuous, salient, prominent.  Antonyms:  unobservable, inappreciable, inconspicuous.

notification, n.  See telling; notice, announcement, warning.

notify, v. inform, acquaint, tell, apprise, give notice to.

notion, n. conception, idea, concept; opinion, judgment, belief, view; inclination, intention, disposition; (Colloq.) knicknack, device.

notional, a. whimsical, capricious, irresolute, freakish, crotchety, changeable.

notoriety, n. repute (unfavorable), publicity.

notorious, a. talked of, evident, obvious, noted, famous (usually unfavorable).

notwithstanding, conj. despite, nevertheless, however.

noun, n. substantive.

nourish, v. feed, nurture; support; encourage, foster, cherish, promote.

nourishing, a. nutritious.

nourishment, n. nutrition; food, nutriment.

novel, a. new, recent, fresh, unusual, rare, unique, innovative.

novel, n. fiction, romance, story, tale.

novelty, n. newness; change, curiosity, innovation.

novice, n. tyro; probationer, proselyte, convert, novitiate

novitiate, n. apprenticeship; probation, tyronism, noviceship.

now, adv. instantly, immediately, at once, instanter.

now and then. occasionally, at intervals, infrequently, intermittently, sometimes, periodically, once in a while.

noxious, a. injurious, baneful, unwholesome, noisome.

nub, n. (Colloq.) knob, jag, protuberance, snag, excrescence.

nucleus, n. kernel, core, heart, center.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.