Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

By turning to the word that is thought of first or to the word with which the term that is wanted is associated and reading the collections there presented, any word that may be desired will be found.

The author spared no effort to make his work as complete as possible; and he believes that it will be appreciated for its comprehensiveness, modernity, and practical usefulness.  He will be pleased to receive from those who use his book any suggestions relative to changes, corrections, or additions that might make the work more useful.  He may be addressed in care of the publishers.

L. A. P.

List of Abbreviations Used in This Book

a. stands for adjective.
adv. " " adverb. 
Amer.  Ind. " " American Indian. 
Astron. " " Astronomy. 
Bot. " " Botany. 
Cen.  Amer. " " Central America. 
Chem. " " Chemistry. 
Civ.  Law. " " Civil Law. 
Colloq. " " Colloquial.
conj. " " conjunction. 
Eccl. " " Ecclesiastical. 
Fr. " " French. 
Ger. " " German. 
Gram. " " Grammar. 
Gr.  Antiq. " " Greek Antiquity. 
Heb. " " Hebrew. 
Med. " " Medicine. 
Mil. " " Military. 
Mus. " " Music.
n. " " noun.
pl. " " plural.
p.p. " " past participle.
prep. " " stands for preposition. 
R.R. " " Railroad.
sing. " " singular. 
Sp. " " Spanish. 
Sp.  Amer. " " Spanish America. 
Theol. " " Theology.
v. " " verb.

Note.—­A number of words with their synonyms and related terms that are not found in the body of the book will be found in the Addenda beginning on page 615.

Putnam’s Word Book


Abandon, v. desert, forsake, forego, discard, relinquish, repudiate, waive, renounce, abdicate.  Antonyms:  retain, maintain, continue, cherish.

abandon, n. unrestraint, wantonness.

abandoned, a. forsaken, deserted, derelict, castaway, rejected; depraved, reprobate, incorrigible, arrant, graceless, irreformable.

abandonment, n. desertion, relinquishment, dereliction, reprobation, surrender, evacuation, rejection, abdication.  Antonyms:  retention, continuance, maintenance, persistence.

abase, v. humble, degrade, dishonor, reduce, humiliate.

abasement, n. humiliation, reduction, dishonor, degradation, ignominy.

abash, v. disconcert, confuse, discomfit, discompose, chagrin, mortify, embarrass.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.