menial, a. serving; low, servile.
mental, a. intellectual.
mentality, n. intellectuality.
mentor, n. monitor, counselor, guide.
mentorial, a. admonitory, monitory.
mercantile, a. trading, commercial.
mercenary, a. hired, hireling, purchased; greedy, sordid, avaricious, grasping.
mercenary, n. hireling.
merchandise, n. wares, goods, commodities.
merchant, n. trader, dealer, trafficker, shopkeeper, tradesman.
merchantable, a. salable, vendible, marketable.
merciful, a. pitiful, lenient, clement, compassionate, benignant, indulgent, kind, gracious, forgiving.
merciless, a. unmerciful, remorseless, cruel, pitiless, ruthless, inexorable, implacable.
Mercury, n. Hermes; quicksilver; messenger.
Mercury’s staff. caduceus.
mercy, n. clemency, pity, lenity, leniency, lenience, compassion, forgiveness, placability; discretion, disposal; blessing, favor. Antonyms: revenge, implacability, inclemency, incompassion.
mercy seat. propitiatory.
merely, a. purely, absolutely; simply, barely, only.
merge, v. swallow up, absorb, immerse, take in; be swallowed up, be absorbed.
merger, n. absorption.
meridian, n. noon, midday; culmination, zenith, pinnacle, apex. Antonym: nadir.
meridian, a. midday, meridional.
merit, n. desert, worth, meed, worthiness; worth, excellence, goodness; reward; pl. claim, right. Antonym: demerit.
merit, v. deserve, earn.
brmeritorious, a. worthy, commendable, meedful, deserving.
merriment, n. mirth, gayety, glee, levity, laughter, sportiveness, jocularity.
merry, a. mirthful, gay, jolly, gleeful, jovial, sportive, jocular, bonny.
mesa, n. tableland, plateau.
mesh, n. net, network.
mess, n. rations, food; mixture, medley, farrago, litter, hodgepodge, jumble, melange.
message, n. communication, notice, word; telegram, despatch, cablegram.
messenger, n. courier, herald, forerunner, precursor, harbinger, mercury, emissary.
metaphor, n. simile.
meteor, n. fireball, shooting star; bolis, bolide.
meteoric stone. meteorite, aerolite.
methodical, a. systematic, orderly, methodic. Antonyms: immethodical, unsystematic.
meticulous, a. timid, fearful, diffident.
mettle, n. spirit, disposition; pluck, nerve, hardihood, stamina, spirit.
mettled, a. high-spirited, mettlesome, fiery, ardent.
mettlesome, a. spirited, mettled.
mew, v. moult.
mew, n. cage, coop; sea-mew, gull, cob.
miasma, n. malaria.
miaul, n. mew, caterwaul.
midbrain, n. mesencephalon.
midday, n. noon, meridian, noontide.
middle, a. mean, medial; intermediate, intervening.