matchable, a. comparable, proportionable, correspondent, similar.
matchless, a. peerless, incomparable, inimitable, unequalled, transcendent, surpassing.
mate, n. companion, associate, friend, chum, crony, compeer, intimate, partner, colleague; match, equal; assistant, subordinate; checkmate.
mate, v. oppose, cope with, vie with, compete with; match, marry.
material, n. substance, matter, fabric, stuff, cloth, staple; plasma.
material, a. corporeal, bodily, physical; important, essential, momentous.
materiality, n. corporeity, material existence; importance.
materially, adv. substantially; essentially, vitally.
materia medica. medicines; acology.
matrimonial, a. connubial, nuptial, hymeneal, conjugal.
matrimony, n. marriage, wedlock.
matron, n. dame.
matronly, a. elderly, dignified, matronal.
matted, a. tangled, snarled, entangled.
matter, n. substance, material, body; essence, pith, embodiment, elements; importance, significance, moment, consequence, weight, materiality; pus, purulence; manuscript, copy. Associated Words: material, immaterial, materiality, immateriality, atom, molecule, chemistry, hylism, hylotheism, hylopathism, hylogenesis, materialism, physics, somatics, somatology.
matter, v. import, signify, be of importance; maturate, suppurate.
matter-of-fact, a. practical, pragmatical, unimaginative, commonplace, prosaic.
maturate, v. suppurate; mature.
maturation, n. suppuration; maturing.
mature, a. full-grown, ripe, developed, perfect; prepared, finished. Antonyms: See immature.
mature, v. ripen, develop, perfect, season.
maturity, n. development, ripeness, perfection, completion. Antonym: immaturity.
maudlin, a. over-emotional, tearful; tipsy, fuddled, intoxicated.
maul, v. pound, pommel, beat, club, cudgel.
maul, n. beetle, mall.
mauling, n. pounding, beating, clubbing, cudgelling.
maw, n. stomach; craw, crop.
mawkish, a. nauseous, sickening, loathful, disgusting; squeamish, fastidious.
maxim, n. axiom, adage, proverb, aphorism, apothegm, saw, precept.
maybe, adv. perhaps, possibly, peradventure, haply.
Mayflower, n. hawthorn, white thorn; trailing arbutus.
maze, n. perplexity, bewilderment; labyrinth, intricacy.
maze, v. perplex, bewilder, confuse, puzzle.
mazy, a. intricate, labyrinthian, confusing.
mead, n. metheglin, hydromel; meadow, lea.
meadow, n. mead, lea.
meadow mice. Arvicola. Associated Words: arvicoline, arvicolous.
meager, a. poor, emaciated, gaunt; barren, sterile, unproductive, arid.
meal, n. repast.
mealy, a. farinaceous.
mean, v. intend, purpose, design, contemplate; signify, purport, denote, betoken, imply, typify, indicate.