Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

lordly, a. overbearing, domineering, despotic, arrogant, imperious, uppish.

lordship, n. seigniory, dominion.

Lord’s Prayer.  Pater noster.

Lord’s Supper. communion, eucharist.

lore, n. learning, knowledge, wisdom, erudition.

lorn, a. forsaken, lonely, solitary.

lose, v. miss, forfeit.

lose ground. retire, recede, retreat, decline.

loss, n. forfeiture.  Associated Words:  damnific, damnify, damnification.

lost, a. forfeited, missing; derelict, adrift; misspent, misemployed, wasted; irreclaimable, incorrigible, abandoned; preoccupied, abstracted, absent-minded.

lot, n. destiny, doom, fortune, fate; portion, parcel, part, allotment; (Colloq.) much, many.

loth, a. disinclined, unwilling, reluctant, averse, loath, indisposed.

lots, n. pl.  Associated Word:  sortilege.

loud, a. deafening, stentorian, resonant, clarion; clamorous, vociferous, boisterous; gaudy, flashy, ostentatious, showy; emphatic, urgent, appealing.

lounge, v. recline, loll.

lousiness, n. phthiriasis, pediculosis, pediculation.

lout, n. booby, boor, bumpkin, lubber, gawky.

loutish, a. boorish, lubberly, gawky, ungentlemanly.

lovable, a. amiable, winsome, lovely, winning.

lovableness, n. amability, winsomeness, amiability.

love, n. affection, devotion, infatuation, passion; amorousness, amativeness; Cupid, Eros, Venus, Aphrodite, Amorino; philanthropy; storge.

love affair. liaison (an illicit love affair), amour, intrigue.

love feast (of the primitive Christians), agape.

love-letter, n. billet-doux, billet d’amour.

lovely, a. charming, delightful, delectable, amiable, pleasing.

love potion. philter.

lover, n. amoroso, inamorato, swain, suitor, admirer, philander, gallant, beau, cicisbeo; paramour, leman.

loving, a. affectionate; enamored; amative, amorous, erotic.

loving-kindness, n. tenderness, mercy, compassion.

low, a. depressed; base, mean, vulgar, raffish, ignominious, undignified; moderate, reasonable, cheap; humble, lowly, obscure; feeble, faint, weak; subdued, grave, gentle; ignoble, groveling, abject, degraded, servile, menial, sordid, base.

low, adv. softly, sotto voce.

low, v. moo.

lowborn, a. baseborn, plebeian.

lowbred, a. unrefined, illbred, vulgar, rude.

lower, v. drop; depress, reduce; decrease, diminish, fall, humble, humiliate, degrade, abash, detrude, dishonor; frown, scowl, glower, look sullen.

lower, a. nether, under.

lower classes. proletariat, proletariate, proletarians.

lowering, a. threatening, dark, sullen.

lowest, a. nethermost.

lowest point. nadir.

low life. obscurity.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.