Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

Putnam's Word Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Putnam's Word Book.

loins, n. pl. reins.

loiter, v. saunter, linger.

loitering, a. sauntering, dilatory.

Londoner, n. cockney (Contemptuous).

lone, a. alone, lonely, isolated, desolate; unfrequented, solitary, sequestered, secluded, lonesome.

lonely, a. sequestered, solitary, unfrequented; lonesome, desolate, dreary, lorn.

long, a. protracted, prolonged, lengthy, extended; lingering; extensive, inclusive; tedious, prolix, wordy, long-spun diffuse.

long, v. yearn for, hanker after, crave.

longer than broad. oblong.

long-handed, a. longimanous.

long-headed, a. shrewd, sagacious.  See shrewd.

longing, n. yearning, craving.

long life. longevity.

longshoreman, n. stevedore.

long-suffering, a. forbearing, uncomplaining, patient.—­n. forbearance, patience, longanimity.

look, v. glance, gaze, stare, see, con, gloat, glare, peek, peer, pry, peep, pore, lower, glower, scan, ogle; seem, appear; await, expect, anticipate; examine, investigate, inspect, contemplate, scrutinize.

look, n. glance, glimpse, inspection, scrutiny, gaze; expression, appearance, air, manner, mien, semblance, aspect, presence.

look down upon.  See despise.

looking backward. retrospection, retrospect.—­a. retrospective.

looking for. anticipation, expectation; search.

looking forward. anticipation, expectation, prospect, foresight.

looking forward. prospective, anticipative.

looking-glass, n. mirror; cheval glass.

looking within. introspection.—­a. introspective.

look into. inspect, examine, probe, investigate.

look on. see, witness; regard, consider, deem, view.

lookout, n. observatory; watch-tower, conning tower; responsibility.

look over. examine, scrutinize, reconnoiter.

look upon. regard, esteem, consider.

look up to. honor, respect, defer to, venerate, reverence.

look within. introspect.

loop, n. staple, noose, bight.

loophole, n. excuse, plea, pretext.

loose, a. unbound, disengaged, movable, unfastened, unrestrained, detached; relaxed; incompact, porous.

loose, v. release, disengage, free, disentangle, liberate; absolve, remit; relax, loosen, slacken.

loosen, v. relax.

looseness, n. laxity, slackness, relaxation.

loot, n. spoil, booty, plunder, prize; plundering, pillage.

loot, v. plunder, sack, rifle, pillage.

lop, v. cut off, obtruncate.

lopsided, a. unbalanced, disproportioned.

loquacious, a. garrulous, voluble, talkative.

loquacity, n. garrulity, volubility, talkativeness.

lord, n. nobleman, peer, magnate, grandee; liege, suzerain.

lord, v. domineer.

Lord, have mercy upon us.  Kyrie eleison.

Project Gutenberg
Putnam's Word Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.