labor, v. toil, work, drudge, slave, moil, travail.
labored, a. studied, elaborate, overwrought, stiff, unnatural.
laborer, n. toiler, workman, stevedore, roustabout, drudge, hack, peon, coolie, navvy.
laborious, a. toilsome, arduous, onerous; diligent, industrious, sedulous.
labyrinth, n. maze, intricacy, complexity.
lace, n. string, cord, thong, aglet.
lacerate, v. tear, rend, mangle, laniate, harrow, wound, harry, distress.
laceration, n. tearing, rending, laniation, harrowing, wound.
lack, v. need, want, be in need of, require, sedulous.
labyrinth, n. maze, intricacy, complexity.
lace, n. string, cord, thong, aglet.
lacerate, v. tear, rend, mangle, laniate, harrow, wound, harry, distress.
laceration, n. tearing, rending, laniation, harrowing, wound.
lack, v. need, want, be in need of, require.
lack, n. want, need, deficiency, dearth, paucity, scarcity, drought, default, deficit, insufficiency, inadequacy, shortness.
lackadaisical, a. pensive, dreamy, languishing, die-away.
lackey, n. flunky.
lacking, a. deficient, insufficient, unsupplied, shy, wanting, devoid.
ladylove, n. See sweetheart.
lag, v. fall behind, loiter, linger, delay, saunter.
laggard, n. loiterer, lagger, lingerer, saunterer, idler.
lake, n. pond; lagoon. Associated Words: lacustrine, lacustral.
lamb, n. eanling, yeanling, lambkin, cosset.
lambaste, v. (Low) pommel, maul, belabor, beat, strike.
lame, v. disable, maim, cripple, hamstring.
lame, a. crippled, hobbling, limping, halt, deformed, game, maimed, disabled; inconclusive, unconvincing, inefficient, feeble, unsatisfactory.
lament, v. bemoan, weep, wail, deplore, grieve, bewail, mourn.
lamentable, a. deplorable, grievous, pitiable, distressing, sorrowful.
lamentation, n. wailing, lament, grief, bewailing, plaint, sorrow.
lamented, a. mourned for, deplored.
lampoon, v. libel, defame, satirize.
lampoon, n. libel, pasqinade, iambic.
lance, n. spear, javelin, harpoon.
land, n. terra firma; country; freehold, ground, soil, earth; realty, real estate; demesne, glebe, close, garth, holm, arado, assart, reliction, dereliction, alluvium, cadastre, appanage, arable, fallow, allodium, innings, abuttal; farm, plantation; continent, island, peninsula, delta, isthmus, headland, cape, plateau, barens. Associated Words: agronomy, agronomist, agronomics, agronomic, agricultre, agricultral, agriculturist, georgics, geoponics, escheat, arable, inarable, agrarian, agrarianism, agrarianize, topography, tilth, terrain, terrene, till, geoscopy, geoponic.
land, v. disembark, debark; capture.
landing, n. disembarkation, debarkation; wharf, dock, quay; capture.