incautious, a. unwary, inconsiderate, indiscreet, thoughtless.
incense, n. Associated Words: thurible, censer, thurification, thurify, frankincense, cense, thurifer.
incentive, n. motive, spur, incitement, stimulus, inducement provocation.
incident, n. event, happening, episode, occurrence.
incidental, a. casual, accidental, oontingent, fortuitous; subordinate, collateral, accessory.
incite, v. instigate, stimulate, arouse, goad, spur, impel.
incitement, n. stimulus, instigation, incitation, spur, incentive.
incivility, n. discourtesy, rudeness, incomity, inurbanity, disrespect.
inclination, n. leaning, slant; tendency, propensity, proneness, penchant, predilection.
incline, n. slant, slope, ascent, descent, grade.—v. lean, tend, dispose.
inclose, v. surround, encircle, circumscribe, encompass, enclose.
inclosure, n. surrounding, closure, barrier, fence, corral, stockade.
include, v. comprise, comprehend, inclose.
inclusion, n. comprisal.
income, n. revenue, proceeds; tontine, annuity. Associated Word: fructuary.
incomparable, a. peerless, matchless, transcendent, inimitable unrivalled, unapproachable.
incompetent, a. inefficient, unqualified, incapable; inadequate; unfit, unsuited.
incomplete, a. unfinished, defective, imperfect, deficient, partial, inchoate.
incomprehensible, a. inconceivable, abstruse, unfathomable.
inconsiderate, a. thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, careless.
inconsistency, n. discordance, incoherence, contrariety, incompatibility.
inconsistent, a. disagreeing, incoherent, contradictory, discrepant, incompatible.
inconstancy, n. fickleness, mutability, variableness, instability.
inconstant, a. fickle, changeable, volatile, flighty, mercurial, variable.
inconvenient, a. unhandy, incommodious, inopportune, untoward.
incorrect, a. inaccurate, erroneous, inexact, wrong; ungrammatical, solecistic.
incorrectness, n. inaccuracy, inexactness, error; impropriety.
increase, v. augment, advance, enlarge; multiply, be prolific, wax; aggravate, enhance, extend, augment, intensify, exacerbate, amplify, magnify, heighten, accelerate.
increase, n. augmentation, accretion, increment, accession, amplification, addition, accrument.
increase of motion. acceleration.
incremate, v. cremate, incinerate.
incremation, n. cremation.
incumbent, a. obligatory, imposed, binding.
incumbrance, n. hindrance, impediment, incubus; mortgage, claim, lien.
incurable, a. insanable, irremediable, immedicable; irremedicable, irreparable.
indebtedness, n. obligation; debts, liabilities.
indecency, n. immodesty, indelicacy, shamelessness, obscenity, ribaldry, lewdness.