hodgepodge, n. medley, farrago, salmagundi, potpourri.
hog, n. swine, porker; boar; sow; barrow (castrated); glutton. Associated Word: porcine.
hoggish, a. swinish, gluttonous, voracious.
hoitytoity, a. flighty, giddy, thoughtless.
hold, v. sustain, restrain, retain, detain, withhold, arrest; contain; clutch, grasp, grip, clinch.
hold back. check, restrain, impede, curb, retard.
holdback, n. check, hindrance, restraint, impediment.
holder, n. tenant, occupier; incumbent.
hold in. restrain, curb, check, repress, retain, rein.
holding, n. restraint, retention, checking, continence, tenacity, detention; tenure, incumbency. Antonyms: incontinence, release.
hole, n. cavity, excavation, pit, perforation, rent, fissure, opening, aperture, delve, cache, concavity, mortise, puncture, orifice, eyelet, crevice, loophole, interstice, gap, spiracle, vent, bung, pothole, manhole, scuttle, scupper, muset, muse; cave, holt, den, lair, retreat, cover, hovel, burrow. Antonyms: imperforation, closure. Associated words: auger, drill, gimlet, bodkin, bore, bit, puncture, perforate, pink, awl, stylet, imperforable, imperforate, punch, wimble, pierce, eyeleteer, dibble, plug, spigot, spile, gouge, puncheon, probe.
holiday, n. festival, fete, fiesta (Sp.).
holiness, n. sanctity, piety, godliness, devoutness, sacredness.
hollow, a. excavated, cavernous, vacant, void, unfilled, empty; cannulated; concave, depressed, gaunt, sunken; insincere, unsound, false, hypocritical. Antonyms: convex, protuberant, sincere.
hollow, v. scoop, excavate, concave.
hollow, n. depression, cavity, valley; concavity, channel, groove, concave, recess; correi.
holy, a. sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, saintly, godly, pious, guileless.
Holy Ghost. Paraclete, Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Sanctifier.
holy oil. chrism. Associated Words: chrismatory, chrismation, chrismal, cruet, ampulla, unction.
holy water. Associated Words: asperges, aspergill, aspergillum, aspersorium, aspersoir, stoup, font, benitier, cruet, hyssop.
homage, n. deference, obeisance, reverence, honor; fealty, fidelity, allegiance; adoration.
home, n. domicile, residence, dwelling-place, abode, dwelling, hearth, hearthstone; habitat, seat; asylum, retreat. Associated Words: domestic, domesticate, domesticity, domestication, inhabitativeness.
homeborn, a. native, indigenous.
homely, a. plain, plain-looking, uncomely; inelegant, rude.
homesickness, n. nostalgia. Associated Word: nostalgic.
homing instinct. orientation.
hone, n. oilstone.
honest, a. honorable, reputable; upright, sincere, guileless, ingenuous, incorruptible.
honesty, n. uprightness, probity, integrity, candor, sincerity, rectitude.