heinous, a. atrocious, flagrant, flagitious, monstrous, nefarious.
heir, n. inheritor; scion; coheir, parcener.
hell, n. inferno, infernal regions, Gehenna, limbo, abyss, Avernus, Pandemonium, Abaddon, Styx, Hades, Sheol, the grave; Naraka (Buddhism).
hellish, a. infernal, malignant, fiendish, diabolical, atrocious.
helm, n. rudder, tiller, wheel; steersman, pilot; command, control, administration.
helmet, n. casque, headpiece, morion, sallet.
help, v. abet, assist, befriend, succor, aid, cooeperate, collaborate, second, facilitate, subsidize; remedy, ameliorate, alleviate, promote, further.
help, n. aid, assistance, succor, support, facilitation, backing, subsidy, subvention, cooeperation; remedy, relief, cure, restorative.
helper, n. assistant, ally, auxiliary, supporter, abettor, helpmeet, associate, coadjutor, confederate, deputy, aider, colleague, acolyte, adjuvant, collaborator, subsidiary, co-aid, cooeperator, accessory, accomplice.
helpful, a. assistant, conducive, instrumental, useful, salutary.
helping, a. assisting, auxiliary, subsidiary, accessory.
helter-skelter, adv. (Colloq.) irregularly, disorderly, pell-mell, headlong.
hem in. environ, surround, encompass, beset, hedge in.
hen, n. partlet; pullet (young hen).
herald, n. messenger, forerunner, precursor, harbinger, crier.
herald, v. proclaim, announce, foretell, usher in.
herd, n. drove; rabble, mob, multitude. Associated Words: gregarious, gregal.
herdsman, n. ranchman, vaquero, cowboy, vacher.
hereditary, a. ancestral, patrimonial, inheritable, inherited.
heritage, n. inheritance, hereditament, patrimony; possession.
hermit, n. recluse, anchoret, anchorite, eremite, solitary, cenobite.
heroic, a. valiant, bold, daring, brave; desperate, drastic, extreme.
heroism, n. courage, valor, bravery, prowess, fortitude, intrepidity.
hesitancy, n. indecision, vacillation, uncertainty, irresolution, wavering.
hesitate, v. doubt, vacillate, falter, dubitate, waver, scruple, demur, deliberate.
hesitation, n. indecision, doubt, vacillation, reluctance, wavering.
hidden, a. covert, latent, concealed; recondite, esoteric, abstruse, unrevealed.
hide, v. veil, cloak, conceal, dissemble, cache, secrete, mask; skulk, lurk.
hidebound, a. untractable, bigoted, obstinate, uncompromising.
hideous, a. horrible, grim, ogreish, grisly, repulsive, ugly, ghastly, shocking.
hiding, n. concealment, secretion.
high, a. lofty, tall, elevated, towering.
high and dry. aground, beached, stranded.
high and mighty. (Colloq.) arrogant, overbearing, domineering, lordly.
higher, a. supernal.
highest, a. loftiest, superlative, meridian, maximum, supreme, topgallant.