ape, v. imitate, mimic.
aphis, n. puceron, aphidian, plant louse; pl. aphides, aphidae. Associated Words: aphidian, aphidivorous, aphidophagous.
aplomb, n. self-possession, assurance.
apologizer, n. apologist, vindicator, defender, advocate.
apology, n. justification, extenuation, defense, vindication, amende honorable; makeshift, substitute, excuse.
apostasy, n. defection, unfaithfulness, renunciation, desertion (traitorous).
apostate, n. deserter, pervert, renegade, turncoat, backslider, runagate.
apparent, a. visible, perceptible; palpable, manifest, obvious, evident; seeming, ostensible, specious.
apparition, n. specter, ghost, phantom, wraith, phantasm, illusion, chimera, shade.
appeal, n. entreaty, application, petition; resort, recourse. Associated Words: appellant, appellate, appellancy, appellatory, appellee, appellor.
appealing, a. imploring, beseeching, entreating, supplicating.
appear, v. emerge; seem, look, loom, resemble.
appearance, n. emersion, emergence; phenomenon, phase, aspect, presence, look, air, semblance.
appeasable, a. placable, pacifiable, forgiving. Antonyms: unappeasable, implacable.
appease, v. conciliate, pacify, tranquilize, calm, propitiate, assuage, mollify, reconcile, placate, mitigate.
appeasement, n. pacification, propitiation, conciliation, reconciliation, placation.
appendage, n. concomitant, pendicle, adjunct, appanage, appurtenance, appendix, attachment.
appetite, n. desire for food, hunger; desire, appetency, craving, passion, appetence. Antonyms: inappetency, indifference, aversion, distaste.
appetizer, n. relish, zest, sauce.
applauders, n. pl. claque (hired applauders).
applauding, a. plauditory, plausive, acclamatory, cheering.
applause, n. acclamation, eclat, plaudit, acclaim, cheers. Antonyms: denunciation, decrial, hooting, derision.
apple, n. costard, codling.
apple of the eye. pupil.
apple-shaped, a. pomiform.
apple worm. codling moth.
appliance, n. device, apparatus, facility.
applicable, a. relevant, pertinent, apposite, germane, appropriate, befitting. Antonyms: inapplicable, irrelevant, inapposite.
applicant, n. candidate, petitioner, aspirant, suitor.
application, n. applying; use, practice, employment, exercise; relevancy; assiduity, persistency; request, petition, appeal, solicitation.
apply, v. utilize, employ, practice.
appoint, v. establish, prescribe, ordain, enjoin, assign, allot; deputize, depute, commission, delegate, nominate
appointment, n. deputation, commissioning, delegation; engagement, tryst; assignation; equipment, furniture.
apportion, v. allot, partition.