half-hearted, a. indifferent, lukewarm, perfunctory.
half-moon, n. crescent. Associated Word: semilunar.
halfway, adv. in the middle, imperfectly, partially.—a. intermediate, midway.
half-witted, a. imbecile, defective, silly, dull-witted, witless.
half-yearly, a. semi-annual, bi-annual.
hall, n. auditorium, lyceum; vestibule, entry, court; corridor, passage, lobby; manor-house; odeon.
hallow, v. consecrate, venerate, reverence, sanctify, bless.
hallowed, a. holy, sacred, consecrated, dedicated, blessed, sanctified.
hallucination, n. aberration, chimera, fallacy, self-deception, delusion, phantasm, illusion.
halo, n. nimbus, glory, aureola, aureole.
haloed, a. glorified, aureoled.
halve, v. bisect, dimidiate.
halving, n. bisection, dichotomy, dimidiation.
hammer, n. sledge, sledge-hammer, maul, mallet, beetle, gavel, kevel, crandall, marteline. Associated Words: peen, hephestic, poll.
hammer, v. beat, forge, malleate, beetle.
hammer and tongs. vigorously, forcibly, energetically.
hamper, v. fetter, shackle, impede, restrain, hinder, encumber, embarrass.
hamper, n. hanaper; shackle, fetter, restraint, impediment.
hamstring, n. hough.—v. disable, cripple, lame, hough.
hand, n. paw, manus. Associated Words: chirology, chiromancy, palmistry, chiropody, chiropodist, chirognomy, chirographer, chirographist, chirogymnast, chirologist, cheirosophy, manicure, chiromancer, manual, chirography, ambidextral, ambidextrous, ambidexterity, ambidexter, achirous, chiragra, fist, manacle, castanets, mount, discriminal, bimanual, bimanous.
handbag, n. satchel, reticule.
handbook, n. manual, guidebook, vade mecum, hornbook, enchiridion.
handcuff, n. manacle, fetter, shackle.
hand down. transmit (in succession).
handle, n. bail; hilt, haft.
handy, a. dexterous, adroit, ready; convenient.
hang, v. suspend; dangle; execute; droop, drop; append, attach; depend, rest; hover, impend, threaten; lean, incline, slope; lynch.
hang, n. (Colloq.) connection, arrangement, plan.
hang back. hesitate, falter, be reluctant.
hangdog, a. sneaking, ashamed, shamefaced, guilty.
hanger-on, n. tagtail, satellite, parasite, sycophant, dependant, vassal, minion, sponger, toady, heeler, toadeater, fawner, votary.
hanging, a. suspended, pendent, pendulous, pensile, dangling.
hanging, n. suspension; execution; drapery, valance, tapestry, dorsal, lambrequin. Associated Words: gallows gibbet.
hanging on. persistence, tenacity, importunity.
hangman, n. executioner.
hangnail, n. agnail.
hang out. project, protrude.
hang over. impend, project.