glister, v. sparkle, glisten, glitter.
glitter, n. brilliancy, shine, gleam, fulgency, radiance.
glitter, v. sparkle, gleam, glisten, glister.
glittering, a. sparkling, glistening, glistering, gleaming, bright, tinsel.
globe, n. sphere, ball, orb.
gloom, n. gloominess, shadow; melancholy, depression, dejection, despondency.
gloomy, a. dark, dismal, obscure, dim, shaded, lowering, overcast, lurid; melancholy, dejected, sad, despondent, pessimistic, disheartened, morose, crestfallen, glum, saturnine; disheartening, depressing, discouraging.
glorious, a. magnificent, grand, resplendent, splendid, admirable, noble, excellent; (Colloq.) hilarious, ecstatic, elated.
glory, n. fame, renown, honor, eminence, celebrity; pomp, magnificence, splendor; pride, exultation, arrogance; halo, nimbus, aureole. Antonyms: ignominy, dishonor, obscurity, ingloriousness, shame, reproach.
glory, v. exult, boast, vaunt.
Glory be to the Father. Gloria Patri.
gloss, n. luster, polish, sheen, glaze, enamel; show, pretense; commentary, note, annotation, comment, postil.
gloss, v. annotate, comment, illustrate; glaze, polish; palliate, extenuate, gloss over.
glossy, a. shining, sleek, sheeny, lustrous, polished, glazed, glace; specious, plausible.
glove-maker, n. glover.
glowing, a. ardent, passionate, warm, flushed; luminous, incandescent.
glue, v. cement, glutinate, agglutinate. Antonyms: unglue, deglutinate.
glum, a. moody, dumpish, sullen, sulky, morose, sour.
glut, v. satiate, sate, cloy, surfeit; overfeed, overstock, oversupply.
glut, n. superfluity, superabundance, overstock, excess.
glutton, n. gormandizer, belly-god, cormorant, gormand; wolverine.
gluttonous, a. voracious, gluttonish.
gluttony, n. voracity, gormandism.
gnawer, n. rodent; pl. Rodentia.
gnawing, a. rodent.
go, v. operate, pass, move, advance, repair, hark, budge, stir, resort, frequent, wend; circulate; tend, conduce, contribute; depart; reach, extend.
go, n. fashion, vogue, mode, custom, style; animation, mettle, Spirit, fire; (Colloq.) energy, life, enterprise, push, perseverance, stamina; (Slang) circumstance, occurrence, incident, happening, event.
goad, n. gad, prick; instigation, spur, stimulant.
goad, v. urge, incite.
goal, n. bourne, end, aim, destination.
goat, n. buck; Billy goat; Nanny goat; Capra; Capricorn.
goatish, a. hircine, caprine.
go back. return, recede, retreat, retrograde, back, withdraw.
go back on. (Colloq.) apostatize, desert, renounce, forsake, be traitorous.
go before. precede, antecede.
goblin, n. gnome, hobgoblin, spectre, bugaboo.
go between. intervene, interpose, intercede, mediate.