get ahead. advance, prosper, flourish, thrive, proceed; forestall.
getatable, a. (Colloq.) accessible. Antonym: inaccessible
get back. return; recover, recuperate, reclaim, retrieve, regain.
get clear. be acquitted, be released, escape.
get down. descend, alight, dismount.
get off. descend, alight, dismount; escape, be released, be acquitted.
get on. mount; prosper, advance, progress.
get out. extricate, release.
get over. surmount, overcome, conquer; recover from.
getting, n. acquisition, obtaining, receiving, acquirement, procurement.
gewgaw, n. bawble, gaud, knickknack, trifle, toy, trinket, bagatelle.
ghastly, a. cadaverous, ghostly, pallid, pale, horrible, shocking, repulsive.
ghost, n. shade, phantom, apparition, spectre, spook, revenant, sprite, wraith; spirit.
ghostly, a. spiritual; spectral, phantomlike.
ghost worship. sciotheism.
ghoul, n. vampire.
giant, n. colossus, monster, Hercules, Goliath, Titan, Cyclops, Brobdingnagian, ogre.
gibberish, n. jargon, jabber, gabbling, babble, drivel.
gibe, v. scoff, flout, jeer, sneer, ridicule, deride, mock.
gibe, n. ridicule, sneer, sarcasm, derision, mockery.
giddy, a. fickle, mercurial, volatile, flighty, unstable, inconstant, thoughtless; light-headed, dizzy, vertiginous.
gift, n. gratuity, present, largess, offering, grant, donation, boon, bounty, bequest, benefaction, contribution, subsidy, legacy, alms, donative, douceur, dotation, sportula; endowment, talent.
gifted, a. talented.
gigantic, a. enormous, colossal, Herculean, vast, Cyclopean, prodigious, Titanic, Gargantuan, Brobdingnagian.
giggle, n. snicker, snigger, titter.
gimcrack, n. device, toy, plaything, trinket, knickknack, jiggumbob.
gin, n. trap, snare, springe, artifice, toils; windlass, crane; Holland gin, schnapps.
gingerly, adv. carefully, cautiously, timidly, fastidiously.
giraffe, n. camelopard.
gird, v. encircle, engird, surround, equip, prepare.
girdle, n. cestus, sash, belt, band, cincture.
girl, n. maiden, maid, lass, lassie, damsel, miss, nymph, virgin; domestic, maid, waitress; ingenue; soubrette; filly, gill; wench; hoiden, hussy, minx; coleen (Anglo-Irish).
girlhood, n. maidenhood, virginity.
girth, n. belly-band; circumference.
gist, n. core, substance, pith, marrow, essence.
give, v. confer, bestow, accord, grant, vouchsafe, donate, contribute, impart, yield, afford, assign. Antonyms: withhold, refuse.
give and take. exchange, interchange, reciprocate, alternate.
give back. return, restore, refund.
give in. yield, surrender, succumb, recede. Antonyms: resist, withstand.