also, adv. besides, too, further, in addition, furthermore, moreover.
altar, n. Associated Words: reredos, altarage, mensa, retable, chancel, ciborium, pyx, dorsal, dossal, piscina, antependium, baldachin, hagioscope, predella, frontal.
alter, v. See change; (Colloq.) geld, castrate.
altogether, adv. wholly, completely, unconditionally, thoroughly, utterly, entirely, totally, in toto; in the aggregate, en masse, ensemble.
always, adv. perpetually, continually, forever, everlastingly, evermore, unceasingly, for aye; invariably, constantly, uniformly. Antonyms: intermittently, occasionally, periodically.
amanuensis, n. secretary.
amass, v. accumulate, collect, gather, heap up.
amaze, v. astonish, astound, surprise, stagger, dumfound, flabbergast.
amazement, n. astonishment, confusion, surprise, flabbergastation.
amazing, a. astonishing, striking, astounding, marvelous, wonderful.
ambassador, n. plenipotentiary, legate, envoy, minister (of the highest rank).
ambiguous, a. indefinite, delphic, equivocal, vague, doubtful.
ambition, n. aspiration, emulation.
ambitious, a. aspiring, emulous, desirous; showy, pretentious, ostentatious. Antonyms: unambitious, indifferent.
amenable, a. answerable, accountable, responsible; submissive, tractable, responsive. Antonyms: unamenable, unaccountable, disobedient, insubmissive.
amends, n. pl. reparation, indemnification, restitution, atonement, redress, indemnity.
amenity, n. agreeableness, amiability, pleasantness, graciousness.
amiable, a. gracious, good-natured, benign, obliging, benignant, affable. Antonyms: See unamiable.
amicable, a. friendly, peaceable, harmonious.
amiss, adv. improperly, incorrectly, wrongly.
amity, n. friendship, harmony, comity, good will.
amount, n. total, sum.
ample, a. spacious, extensive, roomy; abundant, copious, plentiful; diffusive, prolix, protracted.
amuse, v. entertain, divert, beguile, recreate, please.
amusement, n. diversion, entertainment, beguilement, recreation, relaxation, pastime, merriment, fun, sport, pleasure.
amusing, a. pleasing, diverting, laughable, entertaining, farcical, droll, divertive.
analogy, n. resemblance, similarity, parallelism, agreement, correspondence.
analyze, v. decompound, decompose.
anathema, n. denunciation, malediction, curse, execration, condemnation.
anathematize, v. curse, denounce, comminate, maledict.
anatomy, n. dissection; body, structure, skeleton; somatology.
ancestor, n. forefather, progenitor, primogenitor, forbear. Associated Words: atavic, atavism, lineal, collateral, hereditary, heredity, genealogy, genealogist.
ancestral, a. patrimonial, hereditary.