fallacious, a. sophistical, misleading, illusive, untenable, inconsistent.
fallacy, n. deception, delusion, misconception; sophism, sophistry, paralogism.
fallals, n. pl. (Colloq.) frippery, gewgaws, ornaments.
fall away. emaciate; renounce, desert, rebel; apostatize, backslide; decline, languish.
fall back. recede, retreat, retire, withdraw.
fallen, a. dropped, prostrate, degraded, depreciated, debased.
fallibility, n. errancy. Antonym: infallibility.
fallible, a. errable, erring. Antonym: infallible.
fall in. collapse, cave in.
falling away. emaciation, pining; renunciation, desertion, revolt, unfaithfulness; apostasy, defection, backsliding; decline, declension.
falling back. recession, retreat, retirement, withdrawal.
falling down. prostration, collapse.
falling in with. meeting; concurrence, agreement, compliance.
falling off. dropping; withdrawal, separation, detachment; apostasy, defection, desertion; depreciation, deterioration.
falling out. See quarrel.
falling short. deficiency, inadequacy, deficit, shortcoming.
falling sickness. epilepsy.
falling star. meteor.
falling stone. meteorite, aerolite.
falling to pieces. disintegration, dilapidation.—a. ramshackle, dilapidated, disintegrating.
fall off. drop; withdraw, separate; apostatize, backslide; depreciate, deteriorate.
fall on. attack, assault, assail.
fall out. See quarrel.
fallow, a. uncultivated, untilled; dormant, inactive.
fall short. be deficient, be inadequate.
fall to pieces. disintegrate.
false, a. spurious, forged, counterfeit, sham, supposititious, unauthentic, bogus, feigned, fallacious, make believe, hypocritical, assumed, pseudo, sophistical, untenable; unveracious, dishonest, erroneous, untruthful; disloyal, perfidious, traitorous, disingenuous, insincere, recreant, faithless, unfaithful.
false friend. traitor, betrayer, Judas.
falsehood, n. inveracity, untruthfulness; lie, fiction, untruth, mendacity, fabrication, canard.
false key. picklock.
false name. pseudonym, nom de plume. Associated words: pseudonymous, pseudonymity, pseudepigraphous pseudepigraphy.
false swearing. perjury.
false writing. forgery, pseudography, pseudograph.
falsification, n. counterfeiting, forgery, falsifying; misrepresentation, distortion.
falsify, v. misstate, misrepresent, garble, distort, pervert; confute, refute, disprove.
falter, v. hesitate, tremble, waver, vacillate.
faltering, a. wavering, hesitating.
faltering, n. hesitation, indecision, wavering, vacillation.
fame, n. celebrity, note, eminence, renown, glory, reputation, repute. Antonyms: obscurity, ingloriousness, oblivion, ignominy, disrepute.