eulogy, n. encomium, panegyric, laudation, praise.
Europe and Africa. Associated Words: Eurafric, Eurafrican.
Europe and Asia. Associated words: Eurasian, Eurasiatic, Scythia.
evade, v. shun, avoid; elude, parry, foil, baffle; prevaricate, equivocate, dodge, quibble.
evaporate, v. vaporize, evanesce.
evaporation, n. vaporization, evanescence; exhalation. Associated words: volatile, volatility, volatilize, evaporable.
evasion, n. evading, eluding, escape; baffling, foiling; prevarication, equivocation, sophistry, tergiversation, subterfuge, dodge, excuse.
evasive, a. equivocal, indefinite, elusive.
even, a. plane, level, flush, flat, smooth; equable, uniform, unvarying.
evening, n. dusk, twilight, nightfall, eventide, even, gloaming. Associated Words: vespertine, vespertinal, erepuscular, erepusculous, soiree, vesper.
evening prayer. compline.
evening service. vespers; evensong.
evening star. Hesper, Hesperus, Venus, Vesper.
evenness, n. uniformity, smoothness, equanimity, equableness.
event, n. occurrence, affair, incident, happening; consequence, result, outcome.
evergreen, a. indeciduous.
everlasting, a. continual, perpetual, interminable, unceasing, eternal, endless, incessant, never-ending; deathless, immortal, aeonian, imperishable; (Colloq.) constant, continual.
everlasting, n. eternity; immortelle.
every-day, a. commonplace, common, customary.
every now and then. occasionally, repeatedly, frequently.
everywhere present. omnipresent, ubiquitous.—n. omnipresence, ubiquity.
evident, a. manifest, obvious, clear, palpable, patent.
evil, a. sinful, immoral, sinister, unrighteous, vicious, pernicious. See bad.
evil, n. wickedness, depravity, sin, iniquity, perniciousness, Belial, unrighteousness; disaster, misfortune, calamity, reverse; injustice, damage, injury, wrong, mischief.
evil-doer, n. sinner, malefactor, culprit, offender, delinquent. See wrong-doer.
evil-minded, a. malicious, malignant, wicked, depraved.
evolution, n. development, unfoldment, evolvement, unfolding.
exact, a. precise, accurate, true, literal, undeviating; punctilious, methodical, rigid, severe, rigorous, strict.
exact, v. demand, extort, wrest.
exacting, a. severe, harsh, oppressive, peremptory.
exaction, n. extortion, oppression.
exactness, n. precision, accuracy, strictness, exactitude, correctness, scrupulousness.
exaggerate, v. overstate.
exaggerated, a. overstated, colored, hyperbolical.
exaggeration, n. overstatement; hyperbole.
exalt, v. elevate; dignify, ennoble, aggrandize; magnify, apotheosize, extol.
exaltation, n. elevation, aggrandizement, loftiness, apotheosis.