agriculture, n. husbandry, farming, terra-culture, geoponics, agronomy.
agriculturist, n. husbandman, farmer, agriculturalist, agronomist.
aground, adv. stranded.
aid, n. assistance, cooeperation, succor, relief, furtherance, help, subsidy, subvention, patronage; assistant, helper; aid-de-camp.
aid, v. assist, succor, cooeperate, befriend, promote, abet, help.
aider, n. assistant, coadjutor, auxiliary, accessory, abettor, cooeperator, helper.
ailment, n. malady, disorder, complaint, illness.
aim, n. object, purpose, design, aspiration, end, goal.
aimless, a. drifting, purposeless, random, objectless, desultory.
air, n. atmosphere. Associated Words: oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, ether, aerology, aerologist, aerometry, aeroscopy, aerometer, aerography, aeriferous, aerodynamics, aerial, aerophobia, azote, barograph, barometer, cyanometry, hermetic, hermetically, meteorology, ozone, neon, pneumatic, aerator, pneumatics, pneumotherapy, hygrometry, pneumatology, xenon, ventilator, aerostat, ariel, aeronautics, aeronautical.
air, n. melody, tune, descant, aria, song; publicity, vent; appearance, look, bearing, mien, demeanor, aspect, deportment; semblance, style.
air, v. ventilate; aerate, aerify; display, expose, flaunt.
airhole, n. vent, vent hole, bung, spile hole; spiracle.
airiness, n. aeriality, unsubstantiality; gayety, vivacity, buoyancy, sprightliness.
airing, n. ventilation; aeration, aerification; display, flaunting, exposure.
air plant. aerophyte epiphyte.
airy, a. aerial, aeriform, ethereal, atmospheric, pneumatic, unsubstantial; breezy, windy, ventilated; visionary, unreal; vivacious, sprightly; garish, jaunty, flaunting.
akin, a. (Used after the noun) consanguineous, kindred, cognate, agnate, related, congenial.
alarm, v. terrify, frighten, scare, appall, daunt, unnerve, intimidate.
alarm, n. warning, signal; apprehension, terror, consternation trepidation, fright, panic, dismay.
alarm-bell, n. tocsin, alarum.
alarming, a. startling, ominous, terrifying, frightful. Antonym: reassuring.
albinoism, n. albinism, leucopathy.
alcohol, n. ethyl alcohol, methol, spirit of wine, rectified spirit. Associated Words: alcoholism, spirituous, alcoholic, vinification, vinificator, methilepsia, dipsomania, dipsomaniac, fusel, methyl, methylate, methylated.
ale inspector. aleconner, aletaster.
alert, a. vigilant, watchful, wary, attentive.
alien, n. foreigner.
alien, a. foreign; adverse, inconsistent, unallied, incongruous remote.
alienate, v. transfer, demise, assign; estrange, disaffect, wean.
alienation, n. transfer (of title), demise; estrangement, disaffection.
alight, v. dismount.