and greatest have been left to posterity; first, by
those happy hands which the Holy Ghost hath guided;
and secondly, by their virtue, who have gathered the
acts and ends of men mighty and remarkable in the
world. Now to point far off, and to speak of
the conversion of angels into devils; for ambition:
or of the greatest and most glorious kings, who have
gnawn the grass of the earth with beasts for pride
and ingratitude towards God: or of that wise
working of Pharaoh, when he slew the infants of Israel,
ere they had recovered their cradles: or of the
policy of Jezebel, in covering the murder of Naboth
by a trial of the Elders, according to the Law, with
many thousands of the like: what were it other,
than to make an hopeless proof, that far-off examples
would not be left to the same far-off respects, as
heretofore? For who hath not observed, what labor,
practice, peril, bloodshed, and cruelty, the kings
and princes of the world have undergone, exercised,
taken on them, and committed; to make themselves and
their issues masters of the world? And yet hath
Babylon, Persia, Syria, Macedon, Carthage, Rome, and
the rest, no fruit, no flower, grass, nor leaf, springing
upon the face of the earth, of those seeds: no,
their very roots and ruins do hardly remain.
“Omnia quae manu hominum facta sunt, vel manu
hominum evertuntur, vel stando et durando deficiunt”:
“All that the hand of man can make, is either
overturned by the hand of man, or at length by standing
and continuing consumed.” The reasons of
whose ruins, are diversely given by those that ground
their opinions on second causes. All kingdoms
and states have fallen (say the politicians) by outward
and foreign force, or by inward negligence and dissension,
or by a third cause arising from both. Others
observe, that the greatest have sunk down under their
own weight; of which Livy hath a touch: “eo
crevit, ut magnitudine laboret sua":[4] Others, That
the divine providence (which Cratippus objected to
Pompey) hath set down the date and period of
every estate, before their first foundation and erection.
But hereof I will give myself a day over to resolve.
For seeing the first hooks of the following story, have undertaken the discourse of the first kings and kingdoms: and that it is impossible for the short life of a Preface, to travel after, and overtake far-off antiquity, and to judge of it; I will, for the present, examine what profit hath been gathered by our own Kings, and their neighbour princes: who having beheld, both in divine and human letters, the success of infidelity, injustice, and cruelty; have (notwithstanding) planted after the same pattern.