tribes of red aborigines—the weather-beaten
vessels entering new ports or making landings on rocky
coasts—the first settlements north or south—the
rapid stature and muscle—the haughty defiance
of ’76, and the war and peace and formation
of the constitution ... the Union always surrounded
by blatherers and always calm and impregnable—the
perpetual coming of immigrants—the wharf-hem’d
cities and superior marine—the unsurveyed
interior—the loghouses and clearings and
wild animals and hunters and trappers ... the free
commerce—the fisheries and whaling and
gold-digging—the endless gestation of new
states—the convening of Congress every
December, the members duly coming up from all climates
and the uttermost parts ... the noble character of
the young mechanics and of all free American workmen
and workwomen ... the general ardor and friendliness
and enterprise—the perfect equality of
the female with the male ... the large amativeness—the
fluid movement of the population—the factories
and mercantile life and laborsaving machinery—the
Yankee swap—the New York firemen and the
target excursion—the Southern plantation
life—the character of the northeast and
of the northwest and southwest—slavery and
the tremulous spreading of hands to protect it, and
the stern opposition to it which shall never cease
till it ceases or the speaking of tongues and the
moving of lips cease. For such the expression
of the American poet is to be transcendent and new.
It is to be indirect and not direct or descriptive
or epic. Its quality goes through these to much
more. Let the age and wars of other nations be
chanted and their eras and characters be illustrated
and that finish the verse. Not so the great psalm
of the republic. Here the theme is creative and
has vista. Here comes one among the well beloved
stonecutters and plans with decision and science and
sees the solid and beautiful forms of the future where
there are now no solid forms.
Of all nations the United States with veins full of
poetical stuff most need poets and will doubtless
have the greatest and use them the greatest.
Their Presidents shall not be their common referee
so much as their poets shall. Of all mankind
the great poet is the equable man. Not in him
but off from him things are grotesque or eccentric
or fail of their sanity. Nothing out of its place
is good and nothing in its place is bad. He bestows
on every object or quality its fit proportions neither
more nor less. He is the arbiter of the diverse
and he is the key. He is the equalizer of his
age and land ... he supplies what wants supplying
and checks what wants checking. If peace is the
routine out of him speaks the spirit of peace, large,
rich, thrifty, building vast and populous cities,
encouraging agriculture and the arts and commerce—lighting
the study of man, the soul, immortality—federal,
state or municipal government, marriage, health, freetrade,
intertravel by land and sea ... nothing too close,