True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office.

True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office.
not more than 105 or 110 pounds, slender to girlishness and showing no maturity save in her face, which, with its high color, brilliant blue eyes, and her yellow hair, often led those who glanced at her casually to think her good looking.  Further inspection, however, revealed a fox-like expression, an irregularity in the position of the eyes, a hardness in the lines of the mouth and a flatness of the nose which belied the first impression.  This was particularly true when, after being deprived of morphine in the Tombs, her ordinary high color gave way at her second trial to a waxy paleness of complexion.  But the story of her career in the Tenderloin would prove neither profitable nor attractive.

[Illustration:  Fig. 6.—­The check on which the indictment for forgery was brought.]

The subsequent history of the Parker case is a startling example of the credulity of the ordinary jury.  The evidence secured was absolutely conclusive, but unfortunately juries are generally unwilling to take the uncorroborated word of a policeman against that of a defendant—­particularly if the defendant be a young and pretty woman.  Here at the very outset was a complete confession on the part of Mrs. Parker, supplemented by illustrations from her own pen of what she could do.  Comparison showed that the signatures she had written without a model upon the Peabody sheet were identical with those upon the forged checks (Fig. 6) and with Mr. Bierstadt’s and Miss Kauser’s handwriting.  When Mrs. Parker’s case, therefore, came on for pleading, her counsel, probably because they could think of nothing else to do, entered a plea of insanity.  It was also intimated that the young woman would probably plead guilty, and the case was therefore placed upon the calendar and moved for trial without much preparation on the part of the prosecution.  Instead of this young person confessing her guilt, however, she amused herself by ogling the jury and drawing pictures of the Court, the District Attorney and the various witnesses.

Probably no more extraordinary scene was ever beheld in a court of law than that exhibited by Part II of the General Sessions upon Mabel Parker’s first trial for forgery.  Attired in a sky blue dress and picture hat, with new white gloves, she sat jauntily by the side of her counsel throughout the proceedings toying with her pen and pencil and in the very presence of the jury copying handwriting which was given her for that purpose by various members of the yellow press who crowded close behind the rail.  From time to time she would dash off an aphorism or a paragraph in regard to the trial which she handed to a reporter.  If satisfactory this was elaborated and sometimes even illustrated by her for the evening edition of his paper.

Project Gutenberg
True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.