True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office.

True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office.
They had come, she explained, from France to take possession of the inheritance Tessier.  She was a personal friend of Madame Lapierre, and as the Tessiers had exhausted all their money in paying the expenses connected with securing the fortune, she, being a well-to-do gentlewoman, had come to their assistance, and for the last few months had been financing the enterprise on a fifteen per cent. basis.  If Madame Lapierre was to receive ten million dollars, then, to be sure, Madame Reddon would have one million five hundred thouand dollars; but, of course, it was not for the money, but on account of friendship, that she was aiding them.  I would understand that three years had elapsed since a certain distinguished General Pedro Suarez de Moreno had disclosed to the Lapierres the fact that Madame was the heiress to the greatest estate in America.  M. Lapierre solemnly nodded confirmation as the lady proceeded.  It was the one subject talked about in the Gironde and Bordeaux—­that is, among those who had been fortunate enough to learn anything about it.  And for three years the Tessiers, their wives, their sons’ wives, and their connections, had been waiting to receive the glad tidings that the conspirators had been put to rout and the rightful heirs reinstated.

It was some time before the good lady succeeded in convincing her auditor that such a ridiculous fraud as she described had actually been perpetrated.  But there was M. Lapierre and there was Madame Valerie Reddon sitting in the office as living witnesses to the fact.  What wonderful person could this General Moreno be, who could hypnotize a hard-headed, thrifty farmer from the Gironde and a clever little French woman from Bordeaux into believing that five hundred million dollars was waiting for them on the other side of the Atlantic!  I expressed my surprise.  Madame Reddon shrugged her sloping shoulders.  Well, perhaps it was hard for M’sieu’ to believe, but then there were the proofs, the documents, the dossier, and, most of all, there was the General himself.  Oh’ if M’sieu’ could see the General in his tall silk hat and gold-headed cane!

I asked for the documents.  Madame Reddon opened her bag and produced a package of nearly one hundred letters, written in a fine Spanish hand.  Oh! he had been a wonderful writer, this gorgeous Count de Tinoco and Marquis de la d’Essa.  She had met him herself when he had been in Bordeaux.  Madame Lapierre had introduced him to her, and she had heard him talk.  How beautifully he talked!  The stories of his experiences as General of the armies of Spain under Don Carlos and as Brigadier-General in the Philippines were as fascinating as a romance.  But it was his letters which had really led her to take a personal interest in the undertaking.  With a sigh Madame Valoie untied the little blue ribbon which bound up the pitiful little history.  If M’sieu’ would be good enough to grant the time she would begin at the beginning.  Here was his first letter written after the General’s return to America: 

Project Gutenberg
True Stories of Crime From the District Attorney's Office from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.