[Footnote 1: No. 28 in the reprint of “The Tatler,” vol. v. [T.S.]]
[Footnote 2: Metamorphoses, xv. 158-161.
“Nor dies the spirit, but new life
In other forms, and only changes seats.
Ev’n I, who these mysterious
truths declare,
Was once Euphorbus in the Trojan war.”
[Footnote 3: I.e. 1710-11. [T.S.]]
[Footnote 4: Swift. [T.S.]]
[Footnote 5: Steele. [T.S.]]
[Footnote 6: Harrison. [T.S.]]
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The new ministry, which came into power on the fall of the able administration of Godolphin in 1710, was the famous Oxford ministry headed by Harley and St. John. The new leaders were well aware that they would have to use all the means in their power not only to justify themselves to the English nation, but successfully to defeat the strong opposition which had such a man as Marlborough for its moving spirit. The address to Queen Anne from the Commons, showing undoubted evidences of St. John’s hand, was the first employment of a means by which this ministry hoped to appeal to the public. But this remarkable literary effort had already been preceded by the establishment of a weekly political paper, entitled “The Examiner,” a few weeks before Godolphin’s fall. During the months of August, September, and October, in which were issued twelve papers, Dr. Freind, Atterbury, Prior and St. John, were the men employed to arouse the nation to a necessary condition of discontent. Now that the ministry was in power, the necessity for continuing these public appeals was felt to be all the stronger; and Harley’s shrewdness in selecting Swift to take this important matter in hand shows his ability as a party leader.