Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living.

Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living.

Have your children when you are young!  This is common sense, it comes out best in the long run, and is the best thing to do, ninety-nine times in a hundred.  Then, you are nearer the age of your children as they grow up than if you waited till you were in the late thirties before the children came.  If your son or daughter is only twenty-some years younger than you are, you can be “kids” with them.  If you are forty years old when they are born, you will always be “old folks” to them.  Have the babies when you are young.  It is far better so.

If no children come from the meeting of husband and wife consult a good doctor.  But, in such event, if neither of the parties is to blame—­or even otherwise, make the best of the situation, love each other, and make the most of wedded life with what is left.

Above all, with children or without (and a thousand times better with) make a home that is a home.  That is what sex in the human family, what married life is for—­to make a home.  Nearly all that makes a home is centered around sex.  No two normal men can make a home!  No two normal women can make a home! It takes a man and a woman to make a home.  It takes father, mother and children to make the most perfect home.  Make up your minds to have a most perfect home, and do your utmost to reach that goal!

The query often arises in the minds of conscientious husbands and wives whether or not it is right to engage in coitus during pregnancy.  On this point authorities differ, though most of them hold against such practice.  The reasons they give for such adverse decision are all based on the same old infernal lie, namely, that, sexually, man is a mere animal, and so is subject to the laws and practices of mere animality.  This is the worst outrage ever perfected by a false philosophy, which is heralded as the will of God.  Out on it, altogether!

The simple truth, is that, if the husband and wife have mastered the Art of Love, so that they mutually desire each other, and both long for sex exercise during the gestation period, it is perfectly right and WISE for them to satisfy their natural COMMON wishes.

Of course, in such exercise, the utmost care should be taken not to press too hard upon the pelvic region of the woman, and in this regard, the word of caution needs to be heeded, as much by the prospective mother as by her mate.  For, in the intensity of an orgasm, she may be tempted to crowd her body too violently against her husband, and so possible harm might result.  Especially if the husband-superior position is taken during the act, he should be doubly careful not to permit the weight of his body to rest upon the enlarged part of the wife’s anatomy, not in the least.

Indeed, the safest position for coitus, during pregnancy is, the woman on her back, and the man with his hips on the bed below hers, so that there is no possibility of pressure on her abdomen, which is perfectly free, in this position.  In this position, the act may be engaged in, during pregnancy, as often as mutually desired, to the benefit of both parties.

Project Gutenberg
Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.