Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living.

Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living.

But in all normal cases, the ovum only passes into the womb once in every twenty-eight days; and, as a rule, it only remains in the womb for about half that period of time, that is, for about 14 or 15 days in each month.  And so, since the menstrual flow ceases after about five days from its beginning, in about ten days after its stopping, the ovum will have passed out of the womb, and hence that organ contains nothing that is impregnable.  Under these conditions, semen may be deposited in the womb, without danger of impregnation.  This is a simple proposition, and easy to understand if once known.

However, it must be said that these generally common conditions do not always obtain—­that is, they are not true in the case of all women.  There are women who will conceive at any time in the month, if they are given a chance to do so.  The physiological reason for such possibility is said to be this:  There are always ova in the ovaries, in varying stages of development.  Ordinarily, only once a month do any of these pass down into the womb; but, in exceptional cases, sometimes these ova are so partially held in the ovaries that, under the excitement of coitus, and because all these parts dilate so much during the act, an ovum may slip its moorings, under such conditions, pass down into the uterus at an untimely season, meet the semen there, and pregnancy result.  Such are the facts in some cases.

How, then, can a husband and wife tell how it is, or will be, in their particular case?

The answer is that they can only tell by trying, and that should be done as follows: 

The first sexual meeting of the bride and groom should never take place until at least ten days after the ceasing of the menstrual flow in the bride!  This is a rule that should never be violated if the parties wish to “test out” the real condition as to whether or not the bride has any “free time.”  The chances are several to one that she has such leeway; but the fact can only be established by “proving up” and this can never be done if any chances are taken.  Put this down as rule number one.

For this reason, it is well for the bride to fix the wedding day; and, if possible, for her to locate it sometime during the probably immune period.  And the nearer she can bring this day to the beginning of such period of freedom from danger of pregnancy, the better.  For, if it should happen that the first coitus should take place only a day or two before the time when another “monthly” was due, such excitement might hasten the passage of the nearly-ripe ovum into the uterus, and conception might occur.  In which case, “all the fat would be in the fire,” nothing would be proved, and the parties would be as ignorant as ever regarding the facts in their case.

And so, the first sexual meeting of a bride and bridegroom should be not earlier than ten days after the ceasing of the menstrual flow and not later than three days before the next monthly is due.  Put that down as rule number two, never to be violated.

Project Gutenberg
Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.