Is Ulster Right? eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Is Ulster Right?.

Is Ulster Right? eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 240 pages of information about Is Ulster Right?.
  Killala, French landing at, 111. 
  Killaloe, R.C.  Bishop of, 212-214. 
  Kiltimagh case, 177. 
  King, title of, taken by Henry VIII, 27. 
  Kings, Celtic, of Ireland, 10. 
  King’s County, plantation of, 29, 30;
    persons employed by County Council of, 175.

  Labourer’s Cottages Act, 160, 161. 
  Lalor, J.F., 141, 142, 153, 172. 
  Land Acts from 1870 to 1887, 140, 150-152, 159. 
  Land Court, 150, 197. 
  Land League, 147, 148, 152, 181, 182. 
  Land Purchase Acts, 158, 159. 
  Land tenure, tribal, 6;
    primogeniture, 11, 12;
    gavelkind, 11, 12;
    in the 18th century, 65, 66. 
  Laws of England, attempted introduction of, 18;
    made binding in Ireland, 22. 
  Lecky, Dr. W.E.H., 41, 44, 110, 117, 130, 247.
  Leinster Leader, 95, 249. 
  Leitrim, raid by septs of, 7. 
  Leo XIII, Pope, 242. 
  Light Railways Act, 160. 
  Limerick, founded by Danes, 8;
    Scotch invasion of, 19;
    church windows broken at, 216. 
  Linen industry, 62, 63, 238, 239. 
  Local Government Act, 1898, 168-178, 180, 240. 
  Loise, persecution in the, 28. 
  Louis XIV, 43, 45-48, 53. 
  Louis XVI, 101, 102.

  MacAlpine, Kennett, 9. 
  McBride, Major, 98, 99. 
  MacDonnell, Lord, 166. 
  McKenna, Thomas, 79, 126. 
  McNicholas, Rev. J.T., 85. 
  MacSeamus, T., 188. 
  Magdeburg, sacking of, 42. 
  Magistrates, appointment of, 179, 180. 
  Magnus, Sir P., 205. 
  Mahan, Admiral, 248. 
  “Manchester Martyrs,” 96-98, 144, 145, 192. 
  Maori customary claims, 39. 
  Marriage, law of R.C.  Church as to, 85. 
  Maryborough, 30. 
  Maryland, 38. 
  Mayo County Council, 170. 
  Maunsell, R., 214. 
  Maynooth, foundation of, 88, 204. 
  Metropolitan Police Act, 157. 
  “Middlemen,” 65.
  Midland Tribune, 234. 
  Mitchell, J., 95, 97, 142. 
  “Molly Maguires,” 184. 
  Morley, Rt.  Hon. John, Chief Secretary, 165, 179. 
  Mountcashel, Lord, 53. 
  Munster, raid by men of, 7. 
  Murphy, Father Michael, 109. 
  Mutiny Act, 74.

  Nantes, revocation of Edict of, 30, 38, 45-48. 
  Napoleon, 91. 
  “Nation,” meaning of word, 222. 
  National University, 191, 192, 205, 206. 
  Nationalists, real objects of, 3, 93-99, 248. 
    And see Independence; Republic. 
  Netherlands, persecution in the, 4, 33, 34. 
  New Zealand, 39, 157, 218-220, 241. 
  Nolan, Professor, 242. 
  “No Rent” proclamation, 153, 156. 
  Normans, character of, 17;
    adoption of Celtic customs by, 18;
    rebellions by, 23-25, 33, 34, 36.

  Oakboys, 69. 
  O’Brien, Smith, 96, 140. 
  O’Brien, William, 95. 
  O’Connell, Daniel, misstatements by, as to the Union, 116;
    leads agitation for emancipation, 134;
    and for repeal, 140. 
  O’Connor, T.P., 146. 
  O’Donnell, Bishop, 165. 
  O’Hara, Rev. D., 165. 
  O’Mahony, Mr., 41. 
  O’Mara, Mrs., 213. 
  O’Neill, Shan, 33, 34, 39. 
  Orange Society, foundation of, 90, 91. 
  Outrages, Agrarian.  See Agrarian outrages.

Project Gutenberg
Is Ulster Right? from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.