Autobiography and Selected Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Autobiography and Selected Essays.

Autobiography and Selected Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about Autobiography and Selected Essays.

“Now some reefs are at least two thousand feet thick, which at one-eighth of an inch a year, corresponds to one hundred and ninety-two thousand years."*

     * Dana, Manual of Geology, p. 591.

Halve, or quarter, this estimate if you will, in order to be certain of erring upon the right side, and still there remains a prodigious period during which the ancestors of existing coral polypes have been undisturbedly at work; and during which, therefore, the climatal conditions over the coral area must have been much what they are now.

And all this lapse of time has occurred within the most recent period of the history of the earth.  The remains of reefs formed by coral polypes of different kinds from those which exist now, enter largely into the composition of the limestones of the Jurassic period;[126] and still more widely different coral polypes have contributed their quota to the vast thickness of the carboniferous and Devonian strata.  Then as regards the latter group of rocks in America, the high authority already quoted tells us:—­

“The Upper Helderberg period is eminently the coral reef period of the palaeozoic ages.  Many of the rocks abound in coral, and are as truly coral reefs as the modern reefs of the Pacific.  The corals are sometimes standing on the rocks in the position they had when growing:  others are lying in fragments, as they were broken and heaped by the waves; and others were reduced to a compact limestone by the finer trituration before consolidation into rock.  This compact variety is the most common kind among the coral reef rocks of the present seas; and it often contains but few distinct fossils, although formed in water that abounded in life.  At the fall of the Ohio, near Louisville, there is a magnificent display of the old reef.  Hemispherical Favosites, five or six feet in diameter, lie there nearly as perfect as when they were covered by their flowerlike polypes; and besides these, there are various branching corals, and a profusion of Cyathophyllia, or cup-corals."*

     * Dana, Manual of Geology, p. 272.

Thus, in all the great periods of the earth’s history of which we know anything, a part of the then living matter has had the form of polypes, competent to separate from the water of the sea the carbonate of lime necessary for their own skeletons.  Grain by grain, and particle by particle, they have built up vast masses of rock, the thickness of which is measured by hundreds of feet, and their area by thousands of square miles.  The slow oscillations of the crust of the earth, producing great changes in the distribution of land and water, have often obliged the living matter of the coral-builders to shift the locality of its operations; and, by variation and adaptation to these modifications of condition, its forms have as often changed.  The work it has done in the past is, for the most part, swept away, but fragments remain, and, if there were no other evidence, suffice to prove the general constancy of the operations of Nature in this world, through periods of almost inconceivable duration.

Project Gutenberg
Autobiography and Selected Essays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.