Medieval People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Medieval People.

Medieval People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Medieval People.

Quentin, la’Quentine, Jehanne, 105,
Quincey, de, 26, 175

Rade, Daniel and Peter van de, 145
Ragenold, 24
Rainham, 140, 141
Ramsbotham, Elizabeth, 127
Ramusio, 62, 182
Raynold, John, 149
Reading, Thomas of, 152, 195
Reformation, 30, 170
Remy, Saint, 147
Renault de Louens, 99
Revolution, Industrial, 120, 154, 120
Reyner, 169
Rialto, 43, 64
Ricimer, 8
Riche:  Anne, 130; Elizabeth, 125,
  see Stoner, Elizabeth, Jane, 131
  135; Katherine, 126-33, 140, 150,
Rigmarden, John, 127
Roman:  civilization, 2; Emperor
1-17; villa, 3, 6, 155

Roman de la Rose, 99
Rome, Chap.  I passim, 46, 87, 155
Roman Empire, 1-17, 27, 42, 155
  decline of, 1-17; reasons for disintegration
  of, 14-17; trade of, 1 ff? 
Romsey Abbey, 91
Rotherhithe, 140
Rouen, 37
Round Table, 32, 65
Rubruck, William of, 50, 54, 181
Rumania, 42
Rumney wine, 131
Russell, Richard, 137
Russia, 42, 49
Rusticiano, 64, 65, 182

Salvian of Marseilles, 8
St Gothard Pass, 40
St Sophia, 42
Saleby, Grace de, 127
Samarcand, 50
Sanly, Peter, 149
Sandwich, 143
Sext, 79
Shalford, 154
Shandu, Xanadu, 57
Shansi, 56, 59
Shensi, 47, 56
Ships, 136, 140, 142, 143, 192;
  masters of, 141, 142; names of,
  136, 141-3
Siam, 67
Siberia, 49, 70
Sicily, 42
Sidonius Apollinaris, 5, 8 ff; and his
  villa, 9; and siege of Clermont,
  10 ff
Socrates, 96
Sohrab and Rustum, 51
Soldaia, 50
Somerset House, 150, 155
Sordyvale, William, 134
Spain, Spaniards, Spanish, 37, 122
spices, 47, 48
Spice Islands, 70
Spooner, Thomas, 170
Stainfield, 82
Stamford, 144
Staple, Chap.  VI passim, see Betson,
  merchant; banking facilities of,
  148; benefits of, 121, 122; brasses
  of merchants of, 123, 156; business
  of merchants of, 120-51;
  competition of, with Merchant
  Adventurers, 122; history of company
  of, 189; location of, 121;
  Merchants of the, Chap.  VI
  passim; organization of, 121;
  regulations of, 121, 139, 140, 144,
  145; wills of merchants of, 123;
  see also Betson, Wills
Starkey, Humphrey, 134
Stein, Sir Aurel, 67
Stepney, 135
Steward:  Charlemagne’s instructions
  to, 19, 22, 24, 36; Master John the,
  100, 108-9, 115-16; of Villaris, 20,
  21, 22-4
Stoke Nayland, 168
Stonor:  Dame Elizabeth, 129, 130
  131, 132, 133, 135; Humphrey,
  160; Letters, 125, 136, 145, 189;
  Sir William, 125, 129-30, 134, 136, 145
Strabant, Gynott, 149
Stratford-Atte-Bowe, 73, 78
Strossy, Marcy, 149
Suchow, Sugui, 48, 51, 64
Sudbury, 154
Suffolk, 153
Sugui, see Suchow
Sumatra, 61, 63, 67
Sung dynasty, 46, 59, 61
Superstition (see Charms), 27-9, 175
Symmachus, 5, 6
Synxon (Synchon) Mart, 147, 193
Syon Abbey, 83
Syria, 37, 40-2
Szechuen, 56

Project Gutenberg
Medieval People from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.