Medieval People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Medieval People.

Medieval People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Medieval People.

PLATE VII. Calais about the time of Thomas Betson

This plan of Calais in 1546 is reproduced from a ’Platt of the Lowe Countrye att Calleys, drawne in October, the 37th Hen.  VIII, by Thomas Pettyt,’ now in the British Museum. (Cott.  MS. Aug.  I, vol.  II, no. 70).  There is only room to show the top corner of the plan, with the drawing of Calais itself, but the whole plan is charming, with its little villages and great ships riding in the channel.

PLATE VIII. Thomas Paycocke’s house at Coggeshall

From a photograph of the front of the house, standing on the street.  Note the long carved breastsummer that supports the overhanging upper story.  On the left can be seen, much foreshortened, the archway and double doors of linen fold panels.  The windows are renovations on the original design, flat sash windows having been put in in the eighteenth century.


Acqui, Jacapo of, 66, 182
Acre, 51, 53
Adrianople, 7, 42
Adriatic, 39, 41, 42, 63, 179
Aegean, 42, 179
Aelfric, Colloquium, 174, 175
Agnes, Dame, see Beguine
Aldgate, 121
Alexander, 54
Alexandria, 40, 42
Alnwick, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 77, 184
Ambrose, 9
Andaman Islands, 69, 70
Anglia, East, 153, 156
Antilha, Antilles, 72, 183
Antwerp, 121, 145, 147
Arab, Arabia, 43, 47, 61, 171
Ararat, Mount, 54
Aretino, Pietro, 180
Arghun, Khan of Persia, 60, 61
Armenia, 42, 49, 53, 179
Arnold, Matthew, 51
Arras, 147
Asia:  Central, 40, 49, 50, 51, 54, 67, 71, 72;
  Minor, 49
Attila, 8, 49
Audley, Lady, 91
Augustine, St, 9, 175
Augustus, 3
Ausonius, 5 ff;
  his country estate, 6 ff;
  his friends, 6 ff;
  and University of Bordeaux, 5
Austin Friars, 93
Auvergne, 5 ff

Bacon, Francis, 122
Badakhshan, 43, 54, 67
Bagdad, 43, 54
Baku, 54
Bale:  Peter, 131;
  Wyllikyn, 131
Balk, 54
Ballard:  James, 127;
  Jane, 127
Balms (Bammers, Bamis, Bammys)
  Mart, 147, 193
Barbarians, 1-17
Babarian invasions, 7
Bardi, 71
Barton, John, of Holme, 138
Base, Jacob van de, 149
Bath, Wife of, 84, 104, 118, 152
Bayard, 138
Bays and Says, 172
Beauchamp St Pauls, 169, 170
Becerillo, 33
Beguine, Dame Agnes the, 107, 116, 117
Bellela, see Polo
Benedict, St, 81, 82, 184
Betson:  Agnes, Alice, Elizabeth,
  John, Thomas (the younger), 150;
  Katherine, see Riche
Betson, Thomas; Chap VI passim, 158;
  children of, 150; death of, 150;
  illness of, 133-5;
  letters of, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 189;
  member of Fishmongers Company, 150;
  partnership with Sir W. Stonor, 125, 137;
  will of, 134, 150, 194
Bevice, Mistress, 134
Bishops’ registers, 74, 75, 76, 78, 183
Bicorne, 104

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Medieval People from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.