Medieval People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Medieval People.

Medieval People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Medieval People.
earth to the contemplation of the infinite.’—­Laurence Binyon, Painting in the Far East (1908), pp. 75-6.  The section of the roll which has been chosen for reproduction here has already been reproduced in S.W.  Bushell, Chinese Art (1910), II, Fig. 127, where it is thus described:  ’A lake with a terraced pavilion on an island towards which a visitor is being ferried in a boat, while fishermen are seen in another boat pulling in their draw-net; the distant mountains, the pine-clad hills in the foreground, the clump of willow opposite, and the line of reeds swaying in the wind along the bank of the water are delightfully rendered, and skilfully combined to make a characteristic picture.’—­Ibid., II, p. 134.  Other sections of the same roll are reproduced in H.A.  Giles, Introd. to the Hist, of Chinese Pictorial Art (2nd ed., 1918) facing p. 56; and in L. Binyon, op. cit., plate III (facing p. 66).  It is exceedingly interesting to compare this landscape roll with the MS of Marco Polo, illuminated about a century later, from which the scene of the embarkation at Venice has been taken; the one is so obviously the work of a highly developed and the other of an almost naive and childish civilization.

PLATE IV. Madame Eglentyne at home

This is a page from a fine manuscript of La Sainte Abbaye, now in the British Museum (MS. Add. 39843, f. 6 vo).  At the top of the picture a priest with two acolytes prepares the sacrament; behind them stands the abbess, holding her staff and a book, and accompanied by her chaplain and the sacristan, who rings the bell; behind them is a group of four nuns, including the cellaress with her keys, and nuns are seen at the windows of the dorter above.  At the bottom is a procession of priest, acolytes and nuns in the choir; notice the big candles carried by the young nuns (perhaps novices) in front, and the notation of the music books.

PLATE V. The Menagier’s wife has a garden party

This beautiful scene is taken from a fifteenth-century manuscript of the Roman de la Rose (Harl.  MS. 4425), which is one of the greatest treasures of the British Museum.

PLATE VI. The Menagier’s wife cooks his supper with the aid of his book

From MS. Royal, 15 D. I, f. 18, in the British Museum which is part of a petite bible historiale, or biblical history, by Guyart des Moulins, expanded by the addition of certain books of the Bible, in French.  It was made at Bruges by the order of Edward IV, King of England by one J. du Ries and finished in 1470, so that it is about eighty years later than the Menagier’s book.  The illustration represents a scene from the story of Tobias; Tobit, sick and blind, is lying in bed, and his wife Anna is cooking by the fire, with the help of a book and a serving maid.  The right-hand half of the picture, which is not reproduced here, shows the outside of the house, with Tobias bringing in the angel Raphael.  The illuminated border of the page from which this scene is taken contains the arms of Edward IV, with the garter and crown.

Project Gutenberg
Medieval People from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.