Medieval People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Medieval People.

Medieval People eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 297 pages of information about Medieval People.

1. The Register of Walter de Stapeldon, Bishop of Exeter (1307-26), ed.  F. Hingeston Randolph (1892), p. 169.  The passage about Philippa is translated in G.G.  Coulton, Chaucer and His England (1908), p. 181.

2.  See the account of expenses involved in making Elizabeth Sewardby a nun of Nunmonkton (1468) in Testamenta Eboracensia, ed.  James Raine (Surtees Soc., 1886), III, p. 168; and Power, op. cit., p. 19.

3. Year Book of King Richard II, ed.  C.F.  Deiser (1904), pp. 71-7; and Power, op. cit., pp. 36-8.

4.  G.J.  Aungier, Hist. of Syon (1840), p. 385.

5.  As at Gracedieu (1440-1), Alnwick’s Visit, ed.  A.H.  Thompson, pp. 120-3.

6.  G.J.  Aungier, op. cit., pp. 405-9.

7.  Translated from John de Grandisson’s Register in G.G.  Coulton, A Medieval Garner (1910), pp. 312-14.

8. Rule of St Benedict, c. 22.

9. V.C.H.  Lincs., II, p. 131.

10.  Translated in G.G.  Coulton, A Medieval Garner.

11. Myroure of Oure Ladye, ed.  J.H.  Blunt (E.E.T.S., 1873), p. 54.  On Tittivillus see my article in The Cambridge Magazine (1917), pp.158-60.

12. Linc.  Visit., ed.  A.H.  Thompson, II, pp. 46-52; and Power, op. cit. pp. 82-7.

13. V.C.H.  Oxon, II. p. 77.

14. Linc.  Visit., ed.  A.H.  Thompson, I, p. 67.

15.  On these gaieties see Power, op. cit. pp. 309-14.

16. Linc.  Visit., II, pp. 3-4; and see Power, op. cit., pp. 75-7, 303-5, on gay clothes in nunneries.

17. Linc.  Visit., II. p. 175.

18.  Power, op. cit., p. 307.  On pet animals see ibid., pp. 305-9, and Note E (’Convent Pets in Literature’), pp. 588-95.

19.  Power, op. cit., p. 77.

20. Ibid., pp. 351-2; and see Chap.  IX passim on the Bull Periculoso and the wandering of nuns in the world.

21. Linc.  Visit., II, p. 50.

22. V.C.H.  Yorks., III, p. 172.



A.  Raw Material

I. Le Menagier de Paris, Traite de Morale et d’Economie Domestique, compose vers 1393 par un Bourgeois Parisien ... publie pour la premiere fois par la Societe des Bibliophiles Francois. (Paris, 1846). 2 vols., edited with an introduction by Jerome Pichon.  There is a notice of it by Dr F.J.  Furnivall, at the end of his edition of A Booke of Precedence (Early English Text Soc., 1869 and 1898), pp. 149-54.  It was a book after his own heart, and he observes that it well deserves translation into English.

2.  On the subject of medieval books of deportment for women see A.A.  Hentsch, De la litterature didactique du moyen age s’addressant specialement aux femmes (Cahors, 1903), an admirably complete collection of analyses of all the chief works of this sort produced in western Europe from the time of St Jerome to the eve of the Renaissance.  It is full of plums for adventurous Jack Horners.

Project Gutenberg
Medieval People from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.