do they so often drag out one case in a thousand?
Let them read their own annals. Martin Luther
himself, that abomination of God and men, was put
in court at Augsburg before Cardinal Cajetan:
there did he not belch out all he could, and then
depart in safety, fortified with a letter of Maximilian?
Likewise, when he was summoned to Worms, and had against
him the Kaiser and most of the Princes of the Empire,
was he not safe under the protection of the Kaiser’s
word? Lastly, at the Diet of Augsburg, in presence
of Charles V., an enemy of heretics, flushed with
victory, master of the situation, did not the heads
of the Lutherans and Zwinglians, under truce, present
their Confessions, so frequently re-edited, and depart
in peace? Not otherwise had the letter from Trent
provided most ample safe-guards for the adversary;
he would not take advantage of them. The fact
is, he airs his condition in corners, where he expects
to figure as a sage by coming out with three words
of Greek: he shrinks from the light, which should
place him in the number of men of letters [
{transcribers note: the Latin is interpolated
into the translation here}] and call him to sit in
honourable place. Let them obtain for English
Catholics such a written promise of impunity, if they
love the salvation of souls. We will not raise
the instance of Huss: relying on the Sovereign’s
word, we will fly to Court. But, to return to
the point whence I digressed, the General Councils
are mine, the first, the last, and those between.
With them I will fight. Let the adversary look
for a javelin hurled with force, which he will never
be able to pluck out. Let Satan be overthrown
in him, and Christ live.
At Antioch, in which city the noble surname of Christians
first became common, there flourished Doctors,
that is, eminent theologians, and Prophets,
that is, very celebrated preachers (Acts xiii. 1).
Of this sort were the scribes and wise men, learned
in the kingdom of God, bringing forth new things and
old (Matth. xiii. 52; xxiii. 34), knowing Christ and
Moses, whom the Lord promised to His future flock.
What a wicked thing it is to scout these teachers,
given as they are by way of a mighty boon! The
adversary has scouted them. Why? Because
their standing means his fall. Having found that
out for certain beyond doubt, I have asked for a fight
unqualified, not that sham-fight in which the crowds
in the street engage, and skirmish with one another,
but the earnest and keen struggle in which we join
in the arena of yon philosophers,
Foot to foot, and man close gripping