Observations on the Mussulmauns of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Observations on the Mussulmauns of India.

Observations on the Mussulmauns of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Observations on the Mussulmauns of India.

A tent, or the kaanaut[17] (screen), is pitched in a convenient place, where water is available near to the tomb, for the purpose of washing and preparing the dead body for interment.  They then take the corpse out of the coffin and thoroughly bathe it; when dry, they rub pounded camphor on the hands, feet, knees, and forehead, these parts having, in the method of prostrating at prayer, daily touched the ground; the body is then wrapped neatly in a winding-sheet of white calico, on which has been written particular chapters from the Khoraun:[18] this done, it is taken up with great gentleness and laid in the grave on the side, with the face towards Mecca.  The officiating Maulvee steps solemnly into the grave (which is much deeper and wider than ours), and with a loud voice repeats the creed, as before described; after which he says, ’These were thy good and holy leaders, O son of Adam! (here he repeats the person’s names).  Now when the two angels come unto thee, who are the Maccurrub[19] (messengers) from thy great and mighty God, they will ask of thee, “Who is thy Lord?  Who is thy Prophet?  What is thy faith?  Which is thy book?  Where is thy Kiblaah?[20] Who is thy Leader?”

’Then shalt thou answer the Maccurrub thus:—­

  ’"God, greatest in glory, is my only Lord; Mahumud, my Prophet; Islaaim,
  my faith, (Islaaim means true faith); the Khoraun, my book; the Kaubah
  (Holy House at Mecca), my Kiblaah;

  ’"Emaum Ali, son of Aboutalib,
    " Hasan and Hosein,
    " Ali, surnamed Zynool Auberdene,
    " Mahumud, " Baakur,
    " Jaufur, " Saadick,
    " Moosa, " Khazim,
    " Ali, " Reezah,
    " Mahumud, " Ul Jawaad,
    " Ali, " Ul Hoodah,
    " Hasan, " Ul Ushkeree,
    " Mhidhie, the standing proof that we are waiting for.[21]

  ’"These are all my leaders, and they are my intercessors, with them is my
  love, with their enemies is my hatred, in the world of earth and in the
  world to come eternal."’

Then the Maulvee says:—­

’Know ye for a truth, O man (repeating his name), that the God we worship is One only, Great and Glorious, Most High and Mighty God, who is above all lords, the only true God.

’Know ye also, That Mahumud is the best of the Lord’s messengers.

’That Ali and his successors (before enumerated, but always here repeated) were the best of all leaders.

’That whatever came with Mahumud is true, (meaning the whole work of his mission);—­Death is true; the Interrogation by Moonkih and Nykee[22] (the two angels) is true; the Resurrection is true; Destruction is true; the Bridge of Sirraat[23] is true; the Scales are true; Looking into the Book is true; Heaven and Earth are true; Hell is true; the Day of Judgment is true.

’Of these things there is no doubt—­all are true; and, further, that God, the great and glorious God, will raise all the dead bodies from their graves.’

Project Gutenberg
Observations on the Mussulmauns of India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.