Observations on the Mussulmauns of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Observations on the Mussulmauns of India.

Observations on the Mussulmauns of India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 594 pages of information about Observations on the Mussulmauns of India.

Aboubuker may have claimed some relationship to Mahumud;—­he was converted by his preaching from idolatry to the faith;—­he gave his daughter in marriage to Mahumud, by whom two sons were born to him, Ishmael and Ibrahim.[9] ’An angel appeared to Mahumud, saying, Which of thy family shall be taken from thee, Oh, Mahumud! such is the command of God; two of thy youth must die, and I am sent to demand of thee whether it is thy wish Ishmael and Ibrahim, thine own sons, shall be taken from this world, or Hasan and Hosein, the sons of Fatima thy daughter?’ The historian continues, after dwelling much on the virtues of the Prophet’s only daughter, ’Such was the affection of Mahumud for his daughter Fatima and her children, and so well he knew the purity of their hearts, that he hesitated not a moment in replying, “If the Lord graciously permits His servant to choose, I freely offer my two sons Ishmael and Ibrahim; that Hasan and Hosein may live by His mercy “’.

Omir was also a convert to the faith Mahumud taught:  he likewise gave a daughter in marriage to Mahumud;[10] by whom, however, the same historian remarks, his house was not peopled.  His only daughter, Fatima, lived to add numbers to his family:  she was born to him by the pious female (a widow) who was his first wife[11] and to whom he was united before he commenced his work of conversion.  Ali, to whom Fatima was married, was the nephew of Mahumud, and from this union the Syaad race descend to the present day.  The Prophet observing real piety in Ali, designed him not only to be the most suitable husband for his amiable daughter, but the best qualified person to be chosen as his successor, when he should be called by ‘the hand of death’; and in the most public manner gave charge of his flock to Ali, not long before that event occurred.  Mahumud’s speech to Ali on that occasion is much reverenced by the Sheah sect;—­it has been translated for me by my husband, and is as follows:—­

’You, my son, will suffer many persecutions in the cause of religion; many will be the obstructions to your preaching, for I see they are not all as obedient and faithful as yourself.  Usurpers of the authority, delegated to you, will arise, whose views are not pure and holy as your own; but let my admonitions dwell on your mind, remember my advice without swerving.  The religion I have laboured to teach, is, as yet, but as the buds shooting forth from the tree; tender as they are, the rude blasts of dissension may scatter them to the winds, and leave the parent tree without a leaf:—­but suffered to push forth its produce quietly, the hand of Time will ripen and bring to perfection that which has been the business of my awakened life to cultivate.  Never, my son, suffer your sword to be unsheathed in the justice of your cause; I exhort you to bear this injunction on your mind faithfully; whatever may be the provocations you receive, or insults offered to your person,—­I know this trial is in store for my son,—­remember the cause you are engaged in; suffer patiently; never draw your sword against the people who profess the true faith, even though they are but by name Mussulmauns.

Project Gutenberg
Observations on the Mussulmauns of India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.